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发布时间:2018-07-18 08:27
【摘要】:中国—东盟技术经理人国际培训班由中国—东盟技术转移中心主办,并已连续举办了3届,为东盟国家培养了近百名掌握技术转移基本理论和经验方法的骨干人才队伍,加强了人员友好往来,将促进中国与东盟国家间技术转移与创新合作发展。作者独立承担了 2016年中国—东盟技术经理人国际培训班的交替传译工作,并依据现场录音,撰写了此报告。本文采用翻译实践报告的形式,对任务委托、译前准备、案例分析、策略运用以及会后质量评估进行了全方位的描写。在描述口译过程中遇到的挑战时,作者以丹尼尔·吉尔的精力分配模型和玛丽亚娜·勒代雷的释义理论为指导,采取了合理的应对措施,保证了口译的质量和效果。本报告旨在分析作者的口译实践,也希望为今后进行技术转移培训口译的工作者提供实例研究和借鉴。
[Abstract]:The China-ASEAN International training course for Technical managers, hosted by the China-ASEAN Technology transfer Centre, has been held for three consecutive sessions, and has trained nearly 100 backbone talents who have mastered the basic theory and experience of technology transfer for ASEAN countries. Enhanced personnel friendly exchanges will promote technology transfer and innovation cooperation between China and ASEAN countries. The author independently undertook the consecutive interpretation of the 2016 China-ASEAN International training course for Technical managers and wrote the report based on live recording. In the form of translation practice report, this paper gives a comprehensive description of task entrustment, pre-translation preparation, case analysis, strategy application and post-session quality assessment. In describing the challenges encountered in interpreting, the author, guided by Daniel Gill's energy allocation model and Mariana Ledere's interpretation theory, takes reasonable measures to ensure the quality and effectiveness of interpretation. The purpose of this report is to analyze the author's interpretation practice, and to provide practical research and reference for interpreters who conduct technology transfer training in the future.


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