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发布时间:2018-07-18 17:03
[Abstract]:With the deepening of China's opening to the outside world, more and more foreign tourists come to China to visit, do business, study, live, and experience Chinese culture and customs. Food culture is an important part of Chinese traditional culture, attracting countless foreign tourists to China. At present, the translation of Chinese dishes in China mainly focuses on dish names. In order to popularize and spread the Chinese food culture, it is urgent to translate the Chinese cuisine in English. This project selects the article of "gluttonous Beijing" column in Beijing, the Beijing government information office foreign propaganda magazine, aims to study the English translation of the brief text of Chinese cuisine, that is, the ingredients, the practice of dishes, and the origin of dish names. The translation of historical stories and other introductory words helps foreign readers to understand Chinese food culture intuitively. Under the guidance of Hans Vermeer's Skopos Theory, this paper makes a study of the Chinese cuisine text and finds its characteristics, and according to the translation theory, which is produced in the context of the target language for a certain purpose and the target audience. This paper puts forward some translation strategies, such as deleting, adding and modifying Chinese dishes, so that they can play their corresponding functions in the target language and achieve their intended translation purpose. This translation report consists of five parts: the first part is the task description, which mainly explains the background and significance of the translation project, and analyzes the linguistic characteristics of the selected translated text. The second part is the task process, which describes the pre-translation preparation and translation process. The third part is the theoretical basis, introducing the research background of teleology and its guiding significance. The fourth part is text analysis and case study. It illustrates how to use Skopos Theory to guide the translation of Chinese cuisine and puts forward corresponding translation strategies. The fifth part is a summary of the translation project. At the same time, it states the difficulties and challenges encountered in translation and the writing of the report, the shortcomings and the problems that remain to be solved.


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1 李少奇;刘恬烨;;亚里士多德“善”思想研究[J];重庆大学学报(社会科学版);2014年04期

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