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发布时间:2018-07-20 10:40
[Abstract]:Nowadays, international exchanges are becoming more and more frequent. As a rising power, it is very important for China to disseminate information correctly and appropriately through press conferences. Interpretation takes on the task of building bridges of communication. Many scholars have done research on improving the quality of interpreting, but these researches seldom concern the role of presupposition in interpreting. This thesis mainly analyzes the question in press conference and its role in interpreting through cultural presupposition and psychological presupposition. Presupposition is a common phenomenon in natural language. Presupposition can be divided into semantic presupposition and pragmatic presupposition. By studying the cultural presupposition and psychological presupposition in pragmatic presupposition, the author analyzes their roles in interpreting. First of all, interpreters should understand the language style of the reporter's questions. Secondly, the author analyzes the cultural presupposition of the question from three aspects: culture-loaded words, idioms and figures of speech, as well as expressions with Chinese characteristics, and analyzes the purpose of using psychological presupposition in journalists. The author believes that if interpreters can understand the presupposition of journalists' problems and can use them in interpreting, the quality of interpretation will be improved.


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