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发布时间:2018-07-20 13:21
【摘要】:语言与社会之间的关系是双向的,两者之间相互影响,相互作用。语言是一种社会现象,能够反映各种社会文化,也能建构使用者的社会身份。在社会学的学术背景中,维特根斯坦是最早论述“语言建构论”思想的人。美国社会语言学家詹姆斯·保罗·吉(James Paul Gee)认为人们在说话或写作时不只是简单的使用语言,而是在从事几种建构任务。目前,国内外关于语言建构社会身份的研究,语言变异与社会身份建构的研究如雨后春笋般层出不穷。在国内外各种研究理论的支撑下,“语言能够建构社会身份”这一命题已经无可非议。然而,对于某种具体的语言或者语言变体是如何建构社会身份的研究却少之又少,因此研究一种语言或语言变体的社会身份建构功能就显得十分必要。在经济全球化的背景下,英语作为一门国际通用的语言,有两种主要的英语变体,即英式英语和美式英语。英式英语作为一种英语变体,能够建构一定的社会身份。本文主要研究的是英式英语的社会身份建构功能。本文主要采用影视分析和文献分析相结合的方法对英式英语的社会身份建构功能进行研究。通过解读和分析英语电影如《卖花女》和《天生一对》等中女主角所使用的英语变体,能够得出使用不同的英语变体可以建构不同的社会身份的结论。通过对比英式英语和美式英语在语音、词汇和句法方面的差异,可以找出英语变体在建构其使用者的不同社会身份过程中的根源所在。在研究的过程中发现,在不同的语言环境下,一个人选用什么样的语言变体就预示着他对一种特定社会身份的期待。通常情况下,一个人所使用的语言变体可以建构他的民族身份,社会身份,职业身份和教育背景等。英式英语建构社会身份的差异主要表现社会阶层差异,性别差异,地域差异等几个方面。通过研究发现,在不同的时间、地点和场合下,人们可以利用英式英语的社会身份建构功能来建构自己的社会阶层身份、民族身份、职业身份和性格特征。充分合理的利用英式英语的社会身份建构功能可以彰显自己所期待建构的某个独特的社会身份特征,同时也能促进社会和谐,甚至调节和化解社会矛盾。当然,在利用英式英语的社会身份建构功能的同时,也要避免单纯利用某种语言或语言变体去刻意建构某个特定的社会身份所带来的负面影响。另外,使用某种英语变体应该避免盲目从众,只有遵守英式英语的使用规则,才能够高效的利用它的社会身份建构功能。
[Abstract]:The relationship between language and society is two-way, they interact with each other. Language is a social phenomenon which can reflect all kinds of social culture and construct the social identity of users. In the academic background of sociology, Wittgenstein was the first person to discuss the thought of language construction. James Paul Gee, an American sociolinguist, believes that people are not simply using language when they are speaking or writing, but are engaged in several construction tasks. At present, researches on language construction social identity, language variation and social identity construction are springing up at home and abroad. Supported by various research theories at home and abroad, the proposition that language can construct social identity is beyond reproach. However, there is little research on how a specific language or language variant constructs a social identity, so it is necessary to study the social identity construction function of a language or language variant. In the context of economic globalization, English as an international language, there are two main varieties of English, namely British English and American English. As a variant of English, British English can construct a certain social identity. This paper focuses on the social identity construction function of British English. This paper mainly studies the social identity construction function of British English by means of film and television analysis and literature analysis. By interpreting and analyzing the English variants used in English movies such as "Flower Girl" and "A pair of born", we can draw the conclusion that different English variants can be used to construct different social identities. By comparing the differences in pronunciation, vocabulary and syntax between British and American English, we can find out the root causes of English variants in the process of constructing their users' different social identities. In the course of the study, it is found that in different language environments, what kind of language variant a person chooses indicates his expectation of a particular social identity. Usually, a person's language variant can construct his national identity, social identity, professional identity and educational background. The differences of social identity in British English mainly show social class differences, gender differences, regional differences and so on. It is found that at different times, places and occasions, people can construct their social class identity, national identity, professional identity and personality characteristics by using the social identity construction function of British English. Making full and reasonable use of the social identity construction function of British English can reveal the unique social identity characteristics that one expects to construct, at the same time, it can promote social harmony and even adjust and resolve social contradictions. Of course, while using the social identity construction function of British English, we should avoid the negative influence of using a language or language variety to construct a particular social identity. In addition, the use of a certain variety of English should avoid blindly following the herd. Only by following the rules of British English, can we make efficient use of its function of social identity construction.


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