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发布时间:2018-07-22 16:48
[Abstract]:In the process of learning English, writing is one of the four basic abilities. Because of its importance, English writing has become an indispensable part of junior English teaching in China. We value writing so much because writing not only enables students to apply what they have learned in practice, but also improves their language skills and interest in English learning. However, the present situation of writing teaching in junior middle school English teaching in China is not satisfactory. In fact, writing an article in English is itself a difficult task for learners at this stage. Moreover, the organization, cohesion and coherence of the text are very important to the text, but they lack the knowledge of the text, so they neglect the knowledge of the text in the process of writing. In fact, reading and writing are interrelated in the process of learning, and theoretically, because reading is an important input to writing, it also lays the foundation for writing. This thesis focuses on the teaching of reading, especially how to make students have better writing ability when they have the knowledge of text. The experiment was conducted in a junior high school in Hangzhou. It was attended by 76 students from grade 8. The experiment lasted 10 weeks, and two classes with the same teachers were selected and divided into two groups. During the teaching experiment, the experimental class (class 3) adopted the method of reading and writing, while the control group (class 4) taught in the traditional way. The empirical study attempts to answer the following question: 1: how is the correlation between English reading ability and writing ability? 2: can reading and writing methods based on discourse knowledge improve junior high school students' English writing proficiency? In particular, what is the impact on the level of discourse? The research consists of the following steps: first, the author conducts a questionnaire to investigate the current situation of junior high school students in English reading and writing. Then, the correlation between reading and writing ability is analyzed. After the experiment, the question will be answered whether reading-promoting writing mode can effectively promote students' writing ability. After the experiment is completed, the author will also analyze the influence of discourse level on the improvement of students' writing. Two main findings from the experiment are as follows: first, the method of reading and writing is helpful to improve junior high school students' English writing ability. The participants in the experimental group made significant progress in writing ability by reading and writing. And they apply a lot of what they learn from reading to writing. Second, this method provides a way for students to acquire more textual knowledge. These textual knowledge, including organizational structure, coherence and so on, improve the students' level of discourse knowledge in composition. Compared with the control group, the students in the experimental group not only have better use of the grammatical structure and vocabulary, but also have more advantages than the control group in their discourse level. Finally, it can be concluded that the combination of reading and writing can improve students' English writing ability and their textual level. The author also recommends this more effective new English teaching method to junior high school students-reading and writing.


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