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发布时间:2018-07-24 17:36
[Abstract]:In China, writing has always been regarded as one of the four basic skills in English learning. To further improve students' English writing ability, teachers should not only have a solid language base, but also have the ability of imagination, expression and evaluation. According to the present situation of English writing teaching in junior high school and the practical experience of the author in Taicang Experimental Middle School, the English writing teaching of junior high school students has not attracted the attention of teachers and students. The results are also far from those required by the compulsory English Curriculum Standards (2011). In order to improve this situation, with the promotion of the new curriculum reform, the author adopts portfolio evaluation, a new type of evaluation method, to replace the traditional summative evaluation method, which only pays attention to students' learning results. On the one hand, portfolio evaluation can help students to reflect on their shortcomings in the process of English writing, thereby regulating and controlling their learning goals and strategies, and enhancing their interest and self-confidence in English writing. Portfolio evaluation can help teachers better understand students' needs and problems in the process of writing, and to a certain extent, it is of great significance to improve the effectiveness of English writing teaching in junior middle school English teachers. The author tries to combine portfolio evaluation with junior high school students' English writing in order to test the following three guesses: first, the portfolio evaluation method can further stimulate the enthusiasm of junior high school students' English writing; Portfolio evaluation helps to cultivate junior high school students' ability of self-reflection. Thirdly, portfolio evaluation can improve the effectiveness of English writing teaching in junior middle school English teachers to a certain extent. Taking two parallel classes in the second year of Taicang Experimental Middle School as the research object, the author carried out an empirical study for three months. For the students in the experimental class, the author uses the portfolio evaluation method to evaluate their English writing process, while the students in the control class use the summative evaluation method. Questionnaires and writing tests were conducted at the beginning and end of the experiment. At the same time, at the end of the experiment, the author also selected some students from the experimental class to conduct one-to-one interviews and self-reflection on the author's three-month writing teaching. The results show that compared with traditional summative evaluation, portfolio evaluation can stimulate students' interest in English writing, enhance their self-confidence in English writing, and improve their ability of self-reflection to a certain extent. At the same time, portfolio evaluation is an important way to improve the efficiency of English writing teaching for junior high school teachers.


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