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发布时间:2018-07-25 07:55
[Abstract]:With the opening up to the outside world and the trend of economic globalization, China's exchanges with the rest of the world are getting closer and closer, and there is also an upsurge in English learning. But at the same time, some problems have followed. In particular, Chinglish is a common phenomenon. The translator chooses the documentary film "Social Times" for interpretation practice, and takes the second episode and the sixth episode as an example to explore the reasons for its emergence and development from the perspective of Chinese thinking. This paper analyzes the application of translation techniques and problems in the process of consecutive interpretation, and appends the Chinese and English characters of the whole translation process as an appendix. This paper consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The main contents are as follows: the first part is an introduction, which briefly analyzes the new changes in the field of translation in the 21st century, the characteristics of interpretation activities, and the value of the translation of documentary films in various fields. The second part is the text, which is divided into four chapters. The first chapter describes the translation task, introduces the main features of the "Social Times" program, the content of practical materials and the reasons for the selection of materials, and introduces the characteristics and classification of the Chinese mode of thinking. Chapter two introduces pre-translation preparation, translation process and post-translation issues, including the choice of interpretation strategies, the formulation of translation plans and translation quality control, as well as the overall description of the thinking process and preparation of consecutive interpretation. The third chapter is the core content of this report. The problems in the process of C-E translation are sorted out and analyzed with examples. The common strategies and other methods of consecutive interpretation are used to solve the problems, such as adding translation, subtracting translation, converting and so on. In order to reflect the applicability and application value of translation strategies in solving consecutive interpretation problems. Chapter four is a summary and reflection, which introduces the implementation of translation plan, the strategy of dealing with unexpected events in translation, the suggestions of interpreting study in the future, combines theory with practice, and examines oneself on the basis of practical experience. Deeply analyze the author's professional level, clarify the ideas for the future professional development, and lay a solid foundation for the professional development. The last part is the conclusion, summarizes the difficulties and strategies adopted in this practice, and points out some shortcomings that still exist. Through consecutive interpretation of the documentary film "Social Age", this report is intended to reflect on and explain the solutions to the problems encountered in the course of transmission, in the hope that it can be used as a reference for interpreters and learners alike. To provide a reference for the improvement of interpretation skills.


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