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发布时间:2018-07-25 20:43
[Abstract]:As a (MTI) student majoring in translation, the author, under the entrustment and cooperation of the Social Science Federation of Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, takes the Tujia Research report "Imperial Tiger Hunter-Chinese Tujia Studies" as the original text. Under the guidance of Nida's functional equivalence theory, English-Chinese translation practice is carried out and the translation practice report is written. The core of Nida's functional equivalence theory is that the translator starts from the stylistic meaning of the source language, uses the most appropriate natural equivalent to translate the original text, and uses the reader's natural reaction as the criterion to judge the quality of the target text. In other words, the functional equivalence theory emphasizes that the translation should not be confined to form, but should focus on the meaning of the original text, and the quality of the translation depends on whether the reader's response to the translation is consistent with the response of the original reader to the original text. This is exactly the difference between functional equivalence theory and other theories. This paper focuses on the task description and processing of C-E translation, and focuses on the problems in the process of translation using Nida's functional equivalence theory, and adopts different translation strategies to solve them. From different aspects of lexical, syntactic, textual and stylistic aspects, the author expounds the guiding role of the theory in the process of translation. In terms of specific translation methods and techniques, the author adopts the methods of subtraction, addition, splitting, conversion, merging and recombination to translate the source text with the most natural and appropriate target language. The information in the original works is effectively transmitted to the target language readers. In order to accurately reproduce the connotation of the source language, the author boldly removes the shackles of the language form and obtains the target text as close to the source language as possible. The author also summarizes the understanding of translation in this practice and hopes to exchange and learn with other MTI students.


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