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发布时间:2018-07-26 09:48
【摘要】:认知语言学为二语习得领域提供了独特的研究视角,它能够揭示二语学习者潜在的心理机制和语言理解、产出的认知过程。特别是在词汇多义研究领域,认知语言学致力于系统性地研究和揭示英语一词多义形成的复杂的语义网络和其背后存在的语义一致性。认知语言学认为,一个多义词拥有许多彼此不同但却相互关联的意义,这些不同的意义围绕核心意义能够搭建成一个语义网络。著名的认知语言学理论如原型理论(Correa-Beningfield,1990)、概念隐喻理论(LakoffJohnson,1980)、意象图式理论(LakoffJohnson,1987)等都已被应用于多义词的研究,其中,在总结前人研究的基础上提出的“原则性多义模式”(Andrea TylerVyvyan Evans,2003)受到了广泛关注。Andrea Tyler和Vyvyan Evans(2003)认为一个介词高度活跃的多义网络结构是由介词的原型场景及其派生出的有序独立意义组成。Under,below,beneath作为英语介词中比较容易混淆和使用错误的三个介词,给中国学习者造成了很大的习得困难。目前基于原则性多义网络模式,对英语空间介词的研究都已非常多见,例如国外研究者Ijaz(1986)对on,onto,upon,on top of,over and above的习得研究;Navarro I Ferrando and Ricker(2001)对in,on,at的研究等;国内学者马书红(2005)对in,on,over的研究和蔡金亭、李佳对above,over,under,below的研究等,但目前将under,below,beneath三个介词一起进行对比研究的却很少,本文就是在认知语言学框架下,基于原则性多义网络模式(Principled Polysemy Network)对两组不同水平英语学习者习得英语空间介词under,below,beneath的一项实证研究。本研究选取80名在校学生作为研究对象,其中,第一组为忻州师范学院附属中学40名高三学生,第二组为山西师范大学40名英语专业大三学生。两组被试分别代表低、高英语水平者。本研究采用自由造句测试,介词填空测试和对选取的部分受试者的访谈任务作为研究工具,本次研究拟主要探讨的问题有:1.不同水平英语学习者对介词under,below,beneath的习得情况如何?2.高低水平英语学习者在习得介词under,below,beneath各个义项时是否存在差异?实验调查结果如下:1.两组英语学习者总体上对英语介词under,below和beneath的习得情况并不令人满意,都没有建立完整的语义网络,但两组不同水平的受试者均对原型意义的习得情况要比其他边缘意义好。2.总体上,高水平英语学习者对介词under,below,beneath的整体习得情况确实好于低水平英语学习者,但他们在习得一些边缘义项如under的being-subject和classification义项;below的topographical distance义项;beneath的not-good enough义项时差异并不大,这些义项的习得结果都不太令人满意。此外,本文以选取部分受试者接受访谈为研究工具对造成中国英语学习者习得介词under,below,beneath困难的原因也作了分析。主要原因有:英语教师的教学策略,英语课本的编排,母语的概念迁移等等。
[Abstract]:Cognitive linguistics provides a unique perspective in the field of second language acquisition. It can reveal the underlying psychological mechanism of second language learners and the cognitive process of language understanding and output. Especially in the field of lexical polysemy, cognitive linguistics is devoted to systematically study and reveal the complex semantic network and semantic consistency behind the polysemy of English. Cognitive linguistics holds that a polysemous word has many different but interrelated meanings which can be built into a semantic network around the core meanings. Famous cognitive linguistic theories such as prototype theory (Correa-Beningfield 1990), conceptual metaphor theory (LakoffJohnson 1980), image schema theory (LakoffJohnson 1987) have been applied to the study of polysemous words. On the basis of summing up the previous studies, the "principled polysemy model" (Andrea TylerVyvyan Evans2003) has received wide attention. Andrea Tyler and Vyvyan Evans (2003) think that a highly active polysemous network structure of prepositions is derived from the prototype scene of preposition and its derivation. As three prepositions in English, it is easy to confuse and use the wrong prepositions. It creates great acquisition difficulties for Chinese learners. At present, based on the principle polysemous network model, the researches on English spatial prepositions have been very common, such as Ijaz's (1986) acquisition of ontoone on top of over and above and Navarro I Ferrando and Ricker (2001). The domestic scholars Ma Shuhong (2005) and Cai Jinting (2005) and Li Jia's research on the three prepositions above below, however, seldom make a contrastive study on the three prepositions: underbelow-beneath. This thesis is based on the framework of cognitive linguistics. An empirical study on the acquisition of English spatial prepositions by two groups of English learners at different levels based on the principled polysemous network model (Principled Polysemy Network) is conducted. In this study, 80 students were selected. The first group was 40 senior high school students affiliated to Xinzhou normal University, and the second group was 40 junior English majors in Shanxi normal University. The two groups represented low and high English proficiency. In this study, free construction test, preposition blanking test and interviews with selected subjects were used as the research tools. The main questions discussed in this study are: 1: 1. What is the acquisition of prepositions by English learners at different levels? Are there any differences between high and low level English learners in the acquisition of prepositions? The results of the experiment are as follows: 1. The acquisition of English prepositions underbelow and beneath is unsatisfactory in both groups, and neither group has established a complete semantic network. However, both groups of subjects at different levels have better acquisition of archetypal meaning than other marginal meanings. Generally speaking, the overall acquisition of preposition underbelowbeneath by advanced English learners is indeed better than that of lower-level English learners, but there is no significant difference in the acquisition of marginal meanings such as under's being-subject and classification's topographical distance's meaning beneath's not-good enough meaning. The acquisition of these meanings is not very satisfactory. In addition, this paper analyzes the reasons why Chinese EFL learners find it difficult to acquire prepositions by means of interviews with some of the subjects. The main reasons are: English teacher's teaching strategy, English textbook arrangement, concept transfer of mother tongue and so on.


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