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发布时间:2018-07-26 14:49
[Abstract]:In recent years, the prosperity of the children's literature market at home and abroad has aroused more thought among the translation theorists of children's literature. They don't have that much time or patience to study a book that thick. The author of this book, Theo Ike Cher, plays many roles. He is an educator, illustrator, editor, and a popular writer of children's books. The book aims to lead young people to a simple, orderly and purposeful life, especially for small Chinese readers. In this translation practice report on Why simplify, the translation project and the translation process of the translation team are described. Before you start translating, you have to do some preparatory work, such as mastering the background information about the book, some basic typesetting techniques, and understanding the characteristics of children's literature: educational, visual, interesting and anecdotal. On the basis of this, we presuppose the translation style. Then read the whole text. After the translation, there is also the review and revision of the translation. In the trunk part, a large number of cases are used to explain in detail how the preset style of the translation can be realized. According to the analysis of the words and sentences in the translation, the use of reduplicated words in Chinese, the use of onomatopoeia, the use of Chinese modal words, The use of high-frequency words, the use of Chinese phonetics, the use of short sentences, the use of figurative sentences, the use of Chinese proverbs and the use of active voice to illustrate how to better use the target language to reflect the characteristics of children's literature. Better serve this translation project. Considering the special expression of target language and Chinese Skopos theory is intentionally or unintentionally used to guide the whole translation process so as to make the translation more smooth and natural and more in line with the reading habits of Chinese small readers and help them to better understand the book. Although the customer accepted the translation, there were still many problems left over. Some witty words in the original, such as the translation of puns and harmonies, are still open to question. In the process of translation, no computer aided translation software has been used. In the future, interpreters will continue to improve their bilingual proficiency in order to complete their tasks better in future translation projects. It is also hoped that the translation of "Why simplified" can serve as a reference for future children's literary translation.


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