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发布时间:2018-07-29 06:15
【摘要】:随着世界经济全球一体化的发展,英语已成为世界范围内的通用语言。它不再是本族语者的专利,作为国际语言,英语是沟通与交流的方式和方法。在经历了从古英语、中世纪英语到现代英语的历史变迁后,英语这一语言己经与最初的起源有了很大的差异,并且形成了很多地方性的变体,其中一些变体已经被制度化和标准化,例如:新加坡英语,印度英语,尼日利亚英语等。逐渐地,英语发展出内圈英语,如英式英语、美式英语、新西兰英语等;外圈英语,如印度英语、尼日利亚英语、菲律宾英语等;以及扩展圈英语,如中国英语、日本英语、韩国英语等。英语种类如此之多,英语学习者该何去何从?有学者提出语言作为一种交流方式,彼此能够沟通便可,将可理解性放在首位,强调语言的流利度和流畅性。不可否认,语言的功用确实用于交流,然而对于师范院校的英语专业学生来说,英语不仅用于沟通交流,更多的是进行教授传递。英语师范生的语言标准与否直接影响到他们所教学生,特别是中小学生的英语水平。因而,掌握标准英语对英语师范生来说是至关重要的,其实对于窗口性人员,如播音员、口译员等也是非常重要的。对于中国人来说,能说一口标准的英语也是关乎面子的事情,如同学普通话一样。本文从面子理论入手,分析电影《窈窕淑女》中女主角发音的变化。主要试图解答以下问题:(1)电影《窈窕淑女》女主角的发音有哪些变化?(2)为什么她要改变自己原有的发音,掌握RP标准音?(3)面子和个人发音有何联系?本文以电影《窈窕淑女》为例,使用影视民族志的研究方法(visual ethnography),分析女主角的发音变化以及和面子的联系。为追求准确性,原声电影对话片段先用Power MP3 Cutter Classic软件进行截取,再用语音分析软件Praat对发音进行分析和对比,通过振幅、音强、音高等图谱来呈现女主角的发音变化。通过上述方法,女主角原先的Cockney和RP发音的不同逐一呈现,如双元音发音的不同,字母H和G的吞音等。在语音教授的纠正下,女主角的发音逐渐改善,最终掌握了RP标准音,获得了语音专家的高度赞扬。随着女主角发音的改变,她所受的待遇也在悄然发生变化,她个人的面子也逐渐得到维护。一开始被人鄙视被人轻视,特别是在大庭广众下被希金斯教授说的一无是处,毫无面子可言;后来,在发音上有所进步,得到希金斯教授的一定认可,被初次接触的陌生人视为上层女士;最后,在宫廷舞会上被他人认为是匈牙利公主,得到无上的荣耀和关注,并与王子共舞。电影中,发音优劣带给女主角的社会影响是直观、显而易见的,发音改善后的女主角受人尊敬、被人追捧,没有人能认出她是曾经在街边买花的姑娘。现实生活中,发音好的英语系学生总是被老师赞扬,被同学羡慕,在求职过程中,更是受到求职单位的优先考虑。改变原有的发音,掌握RP标准音对英语系的学生,特别是立志于教师行业或窗口性职业的学生来说更是重中之重。
[Abstract]:With the global integration of the world economy, English has become the universal language in the world. It is no longer the patent of the native speakers. As an international language, English is the way and method of communication and communication. After the history of the history of ancient English, medieval English to modern English, the English language has become the first language. There are great differences in the source, and many local variants have been formed, some of which have been institutionalized and standardized, such as Singapore English, India English, Nigeria English and so on. Gradually, English is developed in English, such as English, American English, New Zealand English and so on; foreign English, such as India English, Nigeria. English, Philippines English and so on; and extended circle English, such as Chinese English, Japanese English, Korean English and so on. How do English learners go and what to do? Some scholars suggest that language can communicate with each other as a way of communication, which puts the understandability in the first place, emphasizes the fluency and fluency of language. The function of language is indeed used for communication. However, for the English Majors in normal universities, English is not only used for communication and communication, but also by teaching. The language standards of English normal students have a direct impact on their students, especially the English language level of primary and middle school students. Therefore, the standard English is mastered to normal English students. In fact, it is very important for windows, such as broadcasters, interpreters, and so on. For Chinese people, a standard English is also a matter of face, like a classmate of Putonghua. This article starts with the face theory and analyzes the changes in the pronunciation of the film < My fair lady > the heroine. Answer the following questions: (1) what changes have been made in the pronunciation of the film < My fair lady > heroine? (2) why should she change his original pronunciation, master the RP standard pronunciation? (3) what is the connection between face and personal pronunciation? This article, taking the film < My fair lady > as an example, uses the research method of ethnography of film and television (visual Ethnography) to analyze the changes in the heroine's pronunciation In order to pursue the accuracy, the original voice film dialogue fragment is intercepted with Power MP3 Cutter Classic software and the pronunciation analysis and contrast of the voice analysis software Praat, and the female protagonist's pronunciation changes are presented by the amplitude, the sound intensity and the sound High Atlas. Through the above methods, the original actress's Cockney and RP hair are sent. The different sounds, such as the different pronunciation of the double vowels, the letter H and the swallowing of the G, and so on. Under the correction of the phonetics Professor, the heroine's pronunciation is gradually improved, the RP standard pronunciation is finally mastered, and the voice expert is highly praised. With the change of the heroine, her treatment is also quietly changing, and her personal face is also chasing. Gradually to be maintained. At first it was disdain by people, especially in public, that Professor Higgins said nothing, no face to say; later, he made some progress in pronunciation, received a certain recognition from Professor Higgins, was regarded as the upper lady by the stranger who was first touched; finally, at the court party, it was thought to be Hungarian at a palace ball. Princess Li, who gets the glory and attention of the prince, and dances with the prince. In the film, the social influence of pronunciation and pros and cons on the heroine is intuitive and obvious. The heroine after the improvement is respected and sought after. No one can recognize that she is a girl who once bought flowers on the street. Teachers praise, be envied by the students, and in the process of job hunting, it is also the priority of the job seekers. To change the original pronunciation, to master the RP standard pronunciation is the most important thing for the students of the English Department, especially the students who are determined in the teachers' profession or the window occupation.


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1 邓海龙;;从电影《窈窕淑女》看语言、身份与性别[J];电影文学;2013年19期

2 张晓敏;;《国王的演讲》与《窈窕淑女》的互文性解读[J];四川教育学院学报;2011年09期

3 黄茹;;电影《窈窕淑女》对英语教学步骤与方法的启示[J];考试周刊;2011年55期

4 王淑花;田丽;;从影片《窈窕淑女》探讨英语语音教学的得与失[J];电影文学;2010年19期

5 向婷婷;;从社会语言学角度看电影《窈窕淑女》(英文)[J];语文学刊(外语教育与教学);2010年05期

6 刘伶俐;;社会语言学视角下的《窈窕淑女》[J];青年文学家;2009年21期

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1 孙立;《窈窕淑女》男女主人公会话的人际功能分析[D];长春工业大学;2014年

2 胡瑾;对电影《窈窕淑女》中的教学法的思考[D];吉林大学;2007年




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