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发布时间:2018-07-29 07:43
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of the global economy and the accelerating process of globalization, Global trade has become increasingly close. The rapid development of the world economy is accompanied by more frequent information and cultural exchanges. Advertising, as a means of publicity, is an important link between Global trade. Advertising has entered every corner of the society and the development of advertising has entered. An era of unprecedented prosperity has become an important part of people's daily life. As a propaganda language, advertising needs strong persuasion so as to realize the purpose of persuading consumers to consume. As the most important carrier in advertising information, advertising is mainly embodied in the use of advertising language. The important role of advertising is that more and more linguists at home and abroad have begun to study advertising language systematically from different angles, such as sociolinguistics, cross-cultural communication, stylistics and other aspects of advertising language, and have gained some remarkable achievements. The analysis of advertising language from the perspective of pragmatics is a recent study. However, it is not difficult to find that the cooperative principles of pragmatics and linguistic adaptation have not been systematically studied in the past, and few theories can fully explain the phenomenon of "non cooperation" in the advertising language. In the study of communication, advertising does not have a direct impact on potential consumers. In other words, in order to be able to realize the information and persuasive effect of advertising, advertising must be attractive to consumers. Based on this, many advertising designers deliberately violate the principles of cooperation to attract the attention of potential consumers. Although some scholars use politeness, they are polite. The principle and the principle of relevance explain the phenomenon of "non cooperation" in advertising language, but politeness as a social norm will vary greatly because of different cultures. Therefore, the analysis will be limited to a specific culture, and the use of relevance theory tries to relate all the images in the advertising communication. Their explanation is not satisfactory. The linguistic adaptation theory of.Verschueren points out that language use process is the process of continuous selection by language users in language (i.e. structure) and external (such as communicative intention). This choice is not only reflected in the linguistic structure level, but also in the language strategy. The language adaptation theory is described and explained from the following four aspects. The use of language: the contextual elements of adaptation, the structural objects that conform to the structure, the dynamics of adaptation and the awareness of the conforming process. The contextual related components include all the elements that must be complying with the choice of language in the communicative context. The variability, coordination and CIS of language can make the language users in the process of using language. It is possible to make the appropriate choice.Verschueren to divide context into communicative context and linguistic context. The communicative context mainly includes the psychological world, the social world and the physical world involved by the two parties. In terms of the psychological world used by language, the psychological world mainly includes the character, emotion, belief and motivation of the language users. In addition to this, the physical world is also an important factor affecting the use of language. It mainly involves the concept of two dimensions of time and space. Language users in the use of language, the choice of language needs to conform to the language and communicative context. The use of advertising language can be seen as a language. The purpose of advertising language is to adapt to the context of language use. The use of advertising language is not only the choice of language forms, but also the choice of language strategies. The phenomenon of "non cooperation" in advertising language is the application of advertising language strategies. The purpose is to respond to the psychological world of consumers and advertising. In a sense, consumer behavior is mainly influenced by consumer psychology in a sense, that is, commercial advertising needs to comply with the consumer's psychological world to realize the function of advertising. But the principle of cooperation, the principle of association and other theories ignore the target audience. In addition, in pragmatics, most of the definitions of context are not comprehensive. Generally speaking, context is static and advertising communication is a dynamic process. The important role of ignoring context will inevitably lead to unsatisfactory interpretation of any communication. In order to solve this problem, the author uses dynamic adaptation theory to explain the wide range. In the conformance, the psychological world, the spiritual world and the physical world are fully considered in the adaptation theory. This article is based on the principle of cooperation and the theory of linguistic adaptation as the theoretical basis for the systematic investigation and study of the advertising language. This article is to explain the "non cooperation" in the language of the automobile advertising, on the one hand. On the other hand, it is aimed at helping the advertising consumers to correctly interpret the information in the advertisement. On the other hand, it is found that the "cooperative principle" itself does not explain the uncooperative phenomenon in the advertising language. The phenomenon of non cooperation in the announcement comes to the conclusion that the advertisers will conform to the context of advertising communication and meet the needs of consumers by violating the principle of cooperation, thus realizing the ultimate goal of the smooth sale of the products.


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