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发布时间:2018-07-31 06:50
[Abstract]:From the perspective of translation practice, the author discusses the theories, translation techniques and translation methods of international business English translation, and gives some relevant exercises. The main content of the book consists of 18 chapters: the first chapter is an introduction to business English translation; the second chapter is the translation of commonly used business English words; the third chapter is the translation of business English abbreviations and idioms; the fourth chapter is the translation of business letters; Chapter five is the translation of trademarks and brands, and the translation of trade names; chapter six is the translation of business cards; chapter seven is the translation of commodity instructions; chapter 8 is the translation of numerals, quantifiers and multiples in business English; chapter 9 is the translation of business cards
【作者单位】: 南京晓庄学院外国语学院;


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