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文本类型理论下Business Communications的翻译实践报告

发布时间:2018-07-31 12:20
【摘要】:随着全球经济一体化的不断发展,我国在国际市场上扮演的角色也越来越重要,许多企业开始探索新的国际市场,在这样的探索中,商务沟通也越发地突显其重要性,有效且得体的商务沟通能够促进后续的经济合作。因此,对于许多从事商务沟通的人来说,单纯的掌握商务知识已经远远不够,于是,一系列商务英语相关书籍应运而生,并有着愈发多样和专业的趋势。然而,到目前为止国内此类书籍的翻译研究工作还有一些空白。所以,商务英语相关书籍的翻译有着很大的研究价值。本实践报告在文本类型理论的指导下,对Business Communications第四章The Written Word进行了翻译,由于该书是一本商务类教科书,主要讲了商务沟通中的一些技巧和商务写作的规范,根据文本类型理论,教科书属于信息型文本。除此之外,书内还有许多典型的商务英语实例,因此呼唤型文本和表达型文本也有所体现。针对不同文本类型的特点,笔者采用了交际翻译和语义翻译两种翻译方法来解决翻译过程中出现的问题,例如专业术语的翻译、复杂句的翻译、不同文体交织的处理。并且在报告最后,总结出此类文体的翻译策略和技巧。笔者选择翻译一本商务英语类著作,其主要目的就是想要在文本类型理论的指导下进行此类著作的翻译,提高自身商务英语著作的翻译水平。与此同时,希望可以为该类文体翻译事业尽绵薄之力,能够促使其获得良好的发展环境,更好地帮助商务人士在商务活动中进行有效的商务沟通。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of global economic integration, China's role in the international market is becoming more and more important. Many enterprises have begun to explore new international markets. In such exploration, business communication has become more and more important. Effective and appropriate business communication can facilitate subsequent economic cooperation. Therefore, for many people engaged in business communication, it is far from enough to master business knowledge. Therefore, a series of business English books emerge as the times require, and have a more diverse and professional trend. However, there are still some gaps in translation studies of such books in China. Therefore, the translation of business English related books has great research value. Under the guidance of text type theory, this practice report has translated Business Communications Chapter IV The Written Word. As this book is a business textbook, it mainly deals with some skills in business communication and the norms of business writing. According to text type theory, textbooks belong to informational text. In addition, there are many typical examples of business English in the book. According to the characteristics of different text types, the author adopts two translation methods, communicative translation and semantic translation, to solve the problems in the process of translation, such as the translation of technical terms, the translation of complex sentences, and the interweaving of different styles. At the end of the report, the translation strategies and techniques of these styles are summarized. The author chooses to translate a business English book, the main purpose of which is to improve the translation level of his own business English works under the guidance of the text typology theory. At the same time, it is hoped that this kind of stylistic translation can do its utmost to promote its good development environment and help business people to communicate effectively in their business activities.


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