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发布时间:2018-08-03 15:10
【摘要】:人类的五种感觉,尤以视觉为甚,是我们对外部世界概念化和获取知识的来源。由此,视觉动词在汉语和英语语言体系中都占据了重要位置。然而,目前对视觉动词的翻译研究大多关注对现象的描写,较少涉及翻译技巧和方法的分析并探讨相关影响因素,是一门有待更多探索和考察的研究课题。基于此,本文共选择8本中英文经典小说及其9本流传度和接受度较高的译本,分析了文本中视觉动词采用的翻译技巧和其所属的过程类型,描述了其中译者为顺应而作出选择的例子和情况,并按照顺应论的相关理论阐明了影响译者选择的因素。本文发现,(1)视觉动词的平均变化率(翻译时采用删除、更改或增加翻译技巧的例子数量/使用视觉动词的例子总数)在汉译英和英译汉中都相当高,分别为59.94%和63.08%,且目标文本中视觉动词的过程类型分布趋于分散,多样性增加。其中,汉译英原文中采用保留翻译技巧的平均比例为48.68%(略低于50%),动作动词、感知动词和联系动词的比例分别为50.85%,46.81%和50.00%;英译汉原文中保留的比例较高,发生变化的例子主要以在译文中增加视觉动词为主,平均比例为55.38%(略高于50%),动作动词、感知动词和联系动词的比例分别为59.38%,50.00%和60.00%。由此可见,忠实是译者翻译实践的基础,但通顺却是一大重要的翻译标准,为实现通顺有时可能要求译者在一定程度上牺牲忠实; (2)汉英翻译中,译文发生变化的例子主要以删除为主,恰与英汉翻译中主要采用增加的翻译技巧相呼应。汉语主客不分,英语追求客观,而视觉动词强调的是人类与外界交互的意图、结果或状态,带有较强的主观性,故这一结果可看作翻译过程中语言思维方式转换的影响;此外, (1)中虽然提到英汉翻译中视觉动词保留的比例较高,但以感知动词为例,原文中11个保留的例子有10个翻为“看到”,“看见”或“看出”。即英语原文中表结果的视觉动词seeR, behold, observe等在汉语译文中转换为“过程+结果”(“看+结果义”)的形式,体现了英语重结果、汉语重过程的差异; (3)上述变化可看作译者为实现在各个层面的顺应而作出的选择,且其顺应过程显示出一定的层次性。往往先是对思维模式、审美观、价值观和语用原则等因素的语境关系顺应,而后针对甚至进而实现在选词、构句以及连贯性等方面的结构客体顺应,从而完成有意识或无意识的动态顺应过程; (4)译者无意识的顺应行为与其“心智”相关,尤其是受母语影响而形成的特有思维方式等的影响。以杨宪益与霍克斯对《红楼梦》中对视觉动词翻译的不同处理方式为例,发现杨译更多地体现出主客不分的汉人思维方式,而霍译则与之相反。本研究的理论意义表现在:本文对忠实与通顺的策略选择进行了澄清,指出忠实是翻译实践的基础,而通顺是关键的翻译标准,追求通顺在一定程度上可能会牺牲忠实;同时,视觉感知动词的汉英互译对比进一步证实了汉语重过程,英语重结果的语用差异。此外,本文基于汉英思维方式、审美观和语用因素等方面的差异,为译者动态顺应过程具有层次性这一规律提供了更好的可操作性,并考察了这些方面的差异对译者的影响。本研究的实践意义表现在:本文为视觉动词的翻译提供了借鉴意义,进而为今后开展翻译评析和翻译教学提供了参考。
[Abstract]:The five sense of human being, especially vision, is the source of our conceptualization and acquisition of knowledge in the world. Therefore, visual verbs have occupied an important position in both Chinese and English language systems. However, most of the translation studies of visual verbs are concerned with the description of the phenomena, less involved in the analysis and exploration of the techniques and methods of translation. In this paper, we choose 8 Chinese and English classic novels and their 9 versions with high popularity and acceptability, and analyze the translation techniques and process types of visual verbs in the text, and describe the choice of the translators for adaptation. It is found that (1) the average rate of change of visual verbs (the number of examples of deleting, changing or increasing translation techniques / using the total number of examples of visual verbs) in both Chinese, English and English translations in Hanzhoung, respectively, is 59.94% and 63.08%, respectively. And the process types of visual verbs in the target text tend to be distributed and diversiform. Among them, the average proportion of the reserved translation techniques in the original Chinese translation is 48.68% (slightly less than 50%), the action verbs, the perceptive verbs and the associated verbs are 50.85%, 46.81% and 50%, respectively. The main example of the change is to add visual verbs in the translation, with an average proportion of 55.38% (slightly higher than 50%). The proportion of action verbs, perceptive verbs and associated verbs is 59.38%, 50% and 60.00%., respectively. Faithfulness is the basis of the translator's translation practice. The translator is required to sacrifice faithfulness to a certain extent; (2) in the translation of Chinese and English, the main examples of the changes in the translation are mainly deleted, which correspond to the increasing translation techniques in English and Chinese translation. Strong subjectivity, therefore, this result can be regarded as the influence of the transformation of language thinking in the process of translation. In addition, (1) although the proportion of visual verbs in English and Chinese translation is higher than that in English and Chinese translation, in the case of perceptual verbs, the 11 reserved examples in the original text have 10 "see", "see" or "see". The visual verbs, such as seeR, Behold, observe and so on, are converted into "process + results" ("see + result meaning") in Chinese translations, which reflect the heavy results of English and the difference in Chinese heavy process; (3) the changes mentioned above can be regarded as the choices made by the translators to realize the adaptation at all levels, and the adaptation process shows a certain level. It tends to conform to the contextual relationships of factors such as thinking patterns, aesthetic values, values and pragmatic principles, and then adapts even further to the structural objects of word selection, sentence construction and coherence, thus completing a conscious or unconscious dynamic adaptation process; (4) the translators' unconscious compliance behavior and the "mind" phase. The influence of the unique way of thinking, especially the influence of the mother tongue, is taken as an example of Yang Xianyi and Hawkes's different handling of the translation of visual verbs in the dream of Red Mansions. It clarifies the strategic choice between reality and smooth, pointing out that faithfulness is the basis of translation practice, and that it is the key translation standard, and the pursuit of general Shun may sacrifice faithfulness to a certain extent. At the same time, the comparison of the Chinese and English translation of visual perception verbs further confirms the Chinese heavy process and the pragmatic differences in English results. The differences in Chinese and English thinking, aesthetic and pragmatic factors provide a better maneuverability for the translator's dynamic adaptation process, and examine the influence of these differences on the translator. The practical significance of this study is as follows: This article provides a reference for the translation of visual verbs. It provides reference for translation evaluation and translation teaching.


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