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发布时间:2018-08-04 09:24
[Abstract]:The characteristics of the new words and expressions in the Chinese government documents are very distinct and the cultural differences can not be eliminated. They are difficult to translate into English. However, they have a strong translatability in general. The translation strategies and methods that can be taken are varied. In some important interpreters, it is more important to pay more attention to the cultural differences between China and foreign countries. The negative influence of foreign propaganda. This article, guided by the functional theory of purpose, uses a qualitative analysis method to analyze the characteristics and rules of the translation of Chinese new words in the Chinese government's party and government documents through a large number of concrete examples, and expounds the differences in the two languages of the Chinese and English languages, the differences between the eastern and Western languages, the three principles of the Skopos Theory and the "work of the improved version". The application of the principle of "energy + loyalty" in the translation of new words is intended to provide guidance and reference for the translation of the same type of new words. This study shows that the purpose of translation determines the method of translation. Therefore, under the guidance of functional teleology, the author puts forward a variety of translation strategies or methods to achieve the purpose of translation. In accordance with the intended purpose or function of the translation, the translation should be used in accordance with the cultural and linguistic structure of the target language to achieve coherence within the language and to be faithful to the same time. The rule of loyalty believes that the translation should faithfully convey the information and emotion of the original, especially the ancient, idiomatic, and common language with a strong Chinese characteristic. In the end, we should also consider the principle of function + loyalty in order to achieve a harmonious interpersonal relationship between the author, the reader, the translator and the translator. In particular, some translations need to be close to the reader, some of which need to be close to the original author, and some of the cases need to be initiated by the translation initiator. The following principles should be grasped in the practical application process of the translation of the new word translation: 1) to ensure the understanding of the target language readers, to highlight Chinese characteristics; 2) to pursue both the translation of the original language writers into the language readers and the political equivalence; 3) to take care of the readers' understanding and avoid misunderstandings. The research and discussion of this article will provide some guidance and reference for the publicity and translation of neologisms in our party and government documents.


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