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发布时间:2018-08-04 09:32
[Abstract]:The theory of translator's posture is one of the latest social translation theories. The theory holds that the text details of some translations, especially the translation decisions such as the choice of words and phrases, reflect a translator's attitude of "seeking cultural glory", and provide a new analytical tool for researchers to explain some translation strategies adopted by the translator. This paper uses this theory to explain some cultural translation strategies in the Lin Yutang translation. Through the case study, it is found that Lin Yutang adopts a faithful and reserved translation strategy to the Chinese traditional culture which he regards as glory, and cuts down or weakens the cultural information which he considers not glorious. This reflects the translator's attitude of seeking the glory of Chinese culture. The theory of translator's posture is suitable for interpreting the practice of translation of Chinese culture by translators with Chinese cultural identity, and its scope of application is limited.
【作者单位】: 浙江财经大学;


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