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发布时间:2018-08-04 09:45
[Abstract]:Compilation is a translation activity mixed with editing, which has been widely used for a long time. This report discusses the English-Chinese translation project of China think-tank, which the author participated in from November 2015 to March 2016. The author selects 14 articles from the project practice as the analysis material, the translation total is about 12000 words. Through the review of the project process and the analysis of translation cases, the report focuses on the principles and bases of information selection in translation, translation techniques at the text level and readers' needs to be considered. There are two principles: first, whether it is the main information of the article; secondly, whether it affects the reader's understanding. Specifically, the author according to the article title / subheading, paragraph topic sentence and logical relationship to judge. In this report, translation techniques in translation are refined into generalization, merging, ordering and addition. Finally, the report suggests that attention should be paid to the readers' special needs when compiling. Overall, the report argues that translation is a balanced activity between clients, authors, and readers. This report discusses specific compilation strategies, which are intended to serve as a reference for other translators who are also engaged in compilation.


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