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Smart Textiles for Designers(第四章)汉译实践报告

发布时间:2018-08-04 15:33
【摘要】:随着科学技术的飞速发展,科技英语成为了当今时代特定的研究领域。熟知科技英语的特征有助于我们了解和掌握科技发展动向和科技研究成果。因此,科技英语的翻译也在信息传播的过程中扮演着越发重要的角色。由于客观性是科技文本的一大特点,能够体现事物客观性的被动语态便随之成为科技文本写作中经常使用的句型。此篇翻译实践报告以科技文本的英译汉为案例,详细说明了科技文本的语言结构与特征,重点阐释了科技文本中被动语态的翻译处理,并就翻译过程中出现的问题及问题的解决方案作出了详细讨论。本篇翻译实践报告是以Smart Textiles for Designers(《智能面料》)一书中第四章的译文为对象进行分析研究。报告共包含了五个部分,分别是介绍、过程描述、文本特点、案例分析和总结。介绍部分简述了文本背景,并概括了文本的主要内容和文本特点,指出实践报告的结构和要点。第二部分从译前、译中、译后三个阶段分别对此次翻译实践的准备与执行工作进行了介绍描述。第三部分通过分析科技英语在用词和句法结构上的特点,列出了科技术语的三种类型并加以举例说明,此外,还提出被动句、复合句和无主句在科技英语中的广泛应用。案例分析是实践报告的核心部分,作者以源文本中的被动句为例,并就其翻译进行分析,归纳总结了科技英语中不同类型的被动句以及所使用的翻译策略。最后一部分是作者对此次翻译工作作出的总结性陈述,包括对翻译的感受以及从中获得的经验,并指出了研究过程中的缺陷与不足。作者强调,科技英语的翻译不仅需要译者掌握相关的专业背景知识,还要了解英汉之间的异同点,做到对两种语言的熟练应用。此篇翻译实践报告旨在总结被动语态在科技文本中的翻译技巧与翻译方法。同时,作者也希望此篇报告可以为科技英语的翻译提供一些翻译上的建议与帮助。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology, English for science and technology has become a specific research field in the present era. Familiarity with the features of EST helps us to understand and master the trends and achievements of S & T research. Therefore, the translation of EST plays an increasingly important role in the process of information dissemination. As objectivity is a major feature of scientific and technological texts, the passive voice, which can reflect the objectivity of things, has become a frequently used sentence pattern in the writing of scientific and technological texts. This translation practice report takes the English-Chinese translation of scientific and technological texts as an example, explains in detail the language structure and characteristics of scientific and technological texts, and focuses on the translation of passive voice in scientific and technological texts. The problems in translation and their solutions are discussed in detail. The translation practice report is based on the translation of Chapter 4 of Smart Textiles for Designers (. The report consists of five parts: introduction, process description, text characteristics, case analysis and summary. The introduction part briefly introduces the background of the text, summarizes the main contents and features of the text, and points out the structure and main points of the practice report. In the second part, the preparation and implementation of the translation practice are described in three stages: pre-translation, pre-translation and post-translation. In the third part, by analyzing the features of EST in terms and syntactic structures, the author lists three types of scientific and technological terms and gives examples to illustrate them. In addition, it points out the wide application of passive sentences, compound sentences and no-subject sentences in EST. Case analysis is the core part of practice report. The author takes passive sentences in source text as an example and analyzes their translation, and summarizes the different types of passive sentences and translation strategies used in EST. In the last part, the author makes a summative statement of the translation work, including the experience and experience of translation, and points out the defects and deficiencies in the research process. The author emphasizes that the translation of EST requires the translator not only to master the relevant professional background knowledge, but also to understand the similarities and differences between English and Chinese, so as to be proficient in the application of the two languages. The purpose of this translation practice report is to summarize the translation techniques and methods of passive voice in scientific and technological texts. At the same time, the author hopes that this paper can provide some translation advice and help for EST translation.


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