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发布时间:2018-08-05 14:46
【摘要】:思辨(Critical Thinking/CT)能力包括思辨技能与思辨倾向,思辨技能涉及一个人无论是学习、工作还是生活的方方面面,而思辨倾向则影响一个人对自己所有的思辨技能的关注度与重视程度。思辨倾向不是思辨活动本身,但它能决定思辨活动是否有利于他人和社会利益,是否有利于个人的健康成长(文秋芳,张伶俐,2016)。要培养学生的思辨能力,教师必须首先是一个合格的思辨者。教师对CT发展所持的态度以及所采取的行动也是影响教师CT发展的重要因素(刘芳,董元兴等,2013)。无论哪个层次的课堂,课堂提问是一种必不可少的教学手段。课堂提问是引起学生思考的最好途径(Clasen,1990)。因此本研究的核心在于探究高中英语教师的思辨倾向与其课堂问题设计(基于布鲁姆教育目标分类)之间的相关性。研究问题如下:1)高中英语教师的思辨情感倾向是怎样的?2)基于课堂问题分类理论,高中英语教师课堂问题设计情况如何?3)高中英语教师思辨情感倾向与课堂问题设计是否有相关性?本研究使用取材分为三个步骤,被试者共达105名高中英语教师。作者通过SPSS11.5对数据做了描述性统计,相关性分析,并结合访谈内容,得出以下结论:1)思辨倾向整体平均分为4.30,4分以上,为积极、正向。值得注意的是自信心和认知成熟度平均分分别为3.94和3.99,4分以下,偏消极。好奇心平均分在八个维度中最高,为4.79,这说明英语教师们的思辨倾向中拥有较强的好奇心,而自信心和认知成熟度较为薄弱。2)45名高中英语教师设计的课堂问题中能够有效引起学生思辨的问题占问题总数的27%,45份问题设计中有84%将重点放在知识的输入与操练。3)课堂问题设计中高思辨问题的比例与思辨倾向并无显著相关,但与思辨倾向其中一个因子好奇心呈负相关。结合质性研究,教师的好奇心越低似乎越倾向于设计课堂中容易轻松带过的、并没有真正促进学生思辨的课堂问题。根据本研究结果和发现,笔者在教师教学,和教师培训方面给出了一些教学建议。
[Abstract]:The ability of Critical Thinking/CT includes speculative skills and speculative tendencies. Speculative skills involve all aspects of one's study, work and life, while speculative tendencies affect one's attention and importance to all his speculative skills. Speculative tendency is not speculative activity itself, but it can determine whether speculative activity is beneficial to others and social interests and to the healthy growth of individuals (Wen Qiufang, Zhang Lingli 2016). To cultivate students' speculative ability, the teacher must first be a qualified thinker. Teachers' attitude to CT development and actions taken are also important factors affecting teachers'CT development (Liu Fang, Dong Yuanxing, et al. 2013). No matter what level of classroom, classroom questioning is an essential teaching method. Classroom questioning is the best way to get students to think (Clasen1990). Therefore, the core of this study is to explore the correlation between the speculative tendency of senior English teachers and their classroom problem design (based on Bloom's classification of educational objectives). The research questions are as follows: 1) what is the speculative emotional tendency of English teachers in senior high school? 2) based on the classroom problem classification theory, How about the Design of Senior English Teachers' classroom problems 3) is there any correlation between English teachers' speculative affective tendency and classroom problem design? This study consists of 105 senior English teachers. The author makes descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and interview with SPSS11.5, and draws the following conclusion: 1) the overall average score of speculative tendency is 4.30,4, which is positive and positive. It is worth noting that the average scores of self-confidence and cognitive maturity are 3.94 and 3.99,4, respectively, which are negative. Curiosity had the highest average score in the eight dimensions (4.79), which indicated that English teachers had strong curiosity in their speculative tendencies. In the class problems designed by 45 senior English teachers, which can effectively cause students to think about them, 84% of the total 2745 questions are designed to focus on the input and operation of knowledge. Practice .3) there is no significant correlation between the proportion of high speculative questions and speculative tendency in classroom problem design. But there is a negative correlation between curiosity and speculative tendency. Combined with qualitative research, the lower the teacher's curiosity seems, the more inclined the teacher is to design the classroom problems which are easy to bring and which do not really promote the students' speculation. According to the results and findings of this study, the author gives some teaching suggestions on teacher teaching and teacher training.


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