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发布时间:2018-08-08 10:41
【摘要】:随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,世界经济逐渐暴露于变幻莫测的坏境下。全球经济的命脉走向无不影响着经济、生活的方方面面,从货币政策到财政政策的制定,从物价水平到股票市场的涨跌,顺应宏观经济,制定符合商业周期的健康合理的财政政策和货币政策至关重要。本报告是基于对《经济衰退:市场失败还是政策失败》(第三章)【A Report on theTranslation of The Great Recession:Market Failure or Policy Failure?(Chapter 3)】的翻译实践而完成的翻译报告,翻译原文本由Robert.L.Hetzel所著。该书既属于信息型、议论型文本,其中大篇幅地叙述美国货币政策、财政政策的发展历史,以及当时的经济学者和政策制定者对经济、政策的看法和意见,旨在通过逻辑思维视角,清晰地分析经济衰退的成因。以该文本为蓝本撰写翻译报告的目的是,首先,可将所学翻译实践和翻译理论相结合;其次,译本可为中国的货币政策制定者就如何在当前的经济环境下制定健康合理的货币政策和财政政策带来一定的借鉴意义。本翻译报告第一章包括介绍翻译项目的背景信息,目标及报告的意义。第二章着重对原文进行分析。首先,分析原文的出版信息(包括知名经济学家米尔顿·弗里德曼的简介及其贡献)。其次,简述原文的主要内容。第三章从宏观的视角,详细介绍适用于该文本的翻译理论——韩里德的系统功能语法,以及翻译理论在翻译实践过程中的指导作用。第四章为本报告的主体部分。从微观层面着重介绍译者如何在翻译理论指导下,解决翻译实践过程中所遇到的翻译难点以及所使用的翻译技巧。翻译难点包括术语、抽象名词、明喻和复杂的复合句。本章还在翻译前辈关于翻译难点处理方法的基础上,结合实例找到更好的解决方法。如遇到术语问题,应查字典、对比相关领域专著,以及积累翻译经验等。第五章对翻译报告撰写过程中遇到的问题进行总结,包括经验、教训和亟待解决的问题三部分。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of the process of global economic integration, the world economy is gradually exposed to unpredictable bad circumstances. The lifeblood of the global economy affects every aspect of the economy and life, from monetary policy to fiscal policy formulation, from price level to stock market rise and fall, to conform to the macro economy. Sound fiscal and monetary policies in line with the business cycle are essential. This report is based on the translation practice of "Economic Recession: market failure or Policy failure" (Chapter 3) [A Report on theTranslation of The Great Recession:Market Failure or Policy failure? (Chapter 3)], originally written by Robert.L.Hetzel. The book is an informative and argumentative text in which the history of the development of US monetary policy, fiscal policy, and the views and opinions of economists and policy makers on the economy and policy at that time are discussed. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the causes of economic recession clearly from the perspective of logical thinking. The purpose of the translation report based on this text is, first, to combine the translation practice with the translation theory learned; and secondly, The translation can be used for reference by Chinese monetary policy makers on how to formulate healthy and reasonable monetary and fiscal policies under the current economic environment. The first chapter of this translation report includes background information, objectives and significance of the translation project. The second chapter focuses on the analysis of the original text. First, analyze the published information of the original text (including Milton Friedman's introduction and contribution). Secondly, the main contents of the original text are briefly described. In chapter three, from a macro perspective, the author introduces the translation theory, HanReed's systemic functional grammar, and the guiding role of translation theory in the process of translation practice. Chapter IV is the main part of this report. Under the guidance of translation theory, this paper focuses on how to solve the translation difficulties and the translation skills used by the translator in the process of translation practice. Translation difficulties include terms, abstract nouns, metaphors and complex sentences. On the basis of the previous translation methods, this chapter combines examples to find a better solution. If you encounter problems with terminology, refer to the dictionary, compare related monographs, and accumulate translation experience. Chapter five summarizes the problems encountered in the process of writing the translation report, including experience, lessons and problems to be solved.


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