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发布时间:2018-08-09 09:58
【摘要】:本次的翻译任务是彼得·纽马克所著的《论翻译》(About Translation),本书是由外语教学与研究出版社于2006年出版,全书分为十三个章节,由五位同学共同翻译,其中笔者负责的是第三、第四、第五章。《论翻译》是纽马克的一本翻译论文集,主要讨论翻译在语言教学中的作用、翻译培训、译者和翻译教师的修养和素质、翻译批评的作用、对20世纪80年代世界翻译情况的回顾和考察、对当时出版的一些重要翻译理论专著的评析等等。翻译此书可以引进国外先进的翻译理论,从而完善我国的翻译研究,为研究翻译的人员提供了一个系统完整的理论。此外,本书中强调如何培养专业的翻译,也为我们培养专业翻译提供了一个参考标准。本书是纽马克的翻译学术论文集,属于信息型文本,几乎涉及到翻译中的各种问题。在翻译实践过程中,笔者采用了纽马克的文本分类理论作为指导,在文本分类理论指导下采用“交际翻译”作为翻译策略。“交际翻译”强调译作对译文读者产生的效果尽量等同于原作对原文读者产生的效果。该报告结合理论从词、句、篇章及文化层面解决翻译中遇到的难点,并探讨了词性转换、分译法、重组等翻译技巧在翻译实践中的应用。通过对翻译过程中重点及难点的分析,总结收获和需要改进的问题。在此次翻译实践中,笔者充分认识到翻译需要理论的指导,要科学翻译,采取正确的方法和策略指导我们的实践。
[Abstract]:The translation task is Peter Newmark's (About Translation), book, published in 2006 by the Foreign language Teaching and Research Press. The book is divided into 13 chapters and translated by five students. The author is responsible for the third and fourth. Chapter V. on Translation is a collection of translation essays by Newmark, which mainly discusses the role of translation in language teaching, translation training, the cultivation and quality of translators and translation teachers, and the role of translation criticism. A review of the world translation situation in the 1980s and a review of some important translation theory monographs published at that time. The translation of this book can introduce foreign advanced translation theories to perfect the translation studies in China and provide a systematic and complete theory for the translation researchers. In addition, this book emphasizes how to cultivate professional translation, also provides a reference for us to cultivate professional translation. This book is a collection of Newmark's academic works on translation. It belongs to informative texts and covers almost all kinds of problems in translation. In the course of translation practice, the author adopts Newmark's text classification theory as the guidance, and "communicative translation" as the translation strategy under the guidance of the text classification theory. Communicative Translation emphasizes that the effect of the translation on the target readers is as much as that on the original readers. The report combines the theory of word, sentence, text and culture to solve the difficulties encountered in translation, and discusses the application of translation techniques such as part-of-speech conversion, sub-translation and recombination in translation practice. Through the analysis of the key points and difficulties in the process of translation, the paper summarizes the achievements and problems that need to be improved. In this translation practice, the author fully realizes that translation needs theoretical guidance, and adopts correct methods and strategies to guide our practice.


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