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发布时间:2018-08-10 20:03
[Abstract]:The multilingual information dissemination platform of China keyword is established by the Foreign language Bureau of China, the China Translation Association and the China Academy of Translation. In view of the importance of this project, it is necessary to further discuss the practical and theoretical issues of political discourse, especially the translation of key concepts. This paper deals only with Chinese-English translation. This paper emphasizes that translation should not only be faithful to the original text, but also pay attention to the need to convey information to the readers. Loyalty refers to being faithful to the core ideas of the original text, not the superficial meaning of words. Fidelity requires that the basic concepts are accurate, the information is complete and accurate, and that the meaning of the information is not increased or reduced. In order to convey information effectively, the author does not agree with the practice of forcibly transplanting the features of Chinese language into the translation, but emphasizes the need to respect the habits of the target language, including the homozygous nature of the English discourse, which is different from the collocation and sentence patterns of the Chinese language. To achieve coherence and avoid unnecessary repetition and so on.
【作者单位】: 美国明德大学蒙特雷国际研究学院;中国翻译研究院;中国翻译协会;


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