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发布时间:2018-08-11 09:44
[Abstract]:In recent years, more and more people like to read Expo News to ease the body and mind, enrich life. The English Expo News reports all kinds of strange news and spreads various kinds of strange information, which can bring relief and happiness to the people living in modern society. In view of this, it is also important to translate English Expo News from all over the world into Chinese and give Chinese readers pleasure in reading. The theory of intertextuality emphasizes that every text is absorbed and transformed from other texts. Compiling is to construct the target text on the basis of understanding the original text. However, the successful compilation of the Expo news requires the translator to deal with all kinds of intertextuality within the text and among the texts. Therefore, compilation can be regarded as a special intertextual activity. This report summarizes the main problems and countermeasures encountered by the author in compiling and compiling the Expo News. The main problems encountered by the author are how to preserve and convert the genre of the original text, how to establish the structure of the translated text, and how to selectively compile the original text information. Under the guidance of intertextuality theory, the author adopts the following countermeasures when compiling and compiling the news at the Expo: preserving or converting the genre of the original text to produce a text genre suitable for the target readers, and adjusting the structure of the original text. In order to generate the structure of the target text which is familiar to the target readers, the original text information can be reorganized so that the target readers can easily obtain the necessary information.


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