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发布时间:2018-08-11 12:07
[Abstract]:Yan Fu advocates that translation should follow the principle of "faithfulness and elegance", but frankly says that "Tian Yan" is a "non-orthodox" translation. As a result, there has been no final conclusion for a hundred years about the differences between its translation ideas and the practice of the text. This paper attempts to break away from the previous isolated analytical thinking, comprehensively analyzes the multiple links between "Cinda Ya", the translated text and the social and historical context, and finds that the previous studies on Yan Fu's thought fail to accurately interpret the inner links among the three concepts of "Cinda elegance". This is the key to understanding the translation thought of Cinda and even Yan Fu. The concept of "Da" is interdependent and the word "elegant" is related to each other. " Faith is an end, a means of reaching, and an auxiliary means of service. "Cinda elegance" is the ideal expression of Yan Fu translation. The non-orthodox translation of "the Theory of Heaven" is the practice of translation at a specific historical stage. It is a historical process of approaching the ideal of translation, and the theoretical principle of "faithfulness and elegance" and the translation practice of "Tian Yan" are the unity of the historical process.
【作者单位】: 南开大学外语学院;天津外国语大学中央文献翻译研究基地;


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