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发布时间:2018-08-11 16:21
[Abstract]:As a concept reference in the domain of professional knowledge, terminology has a strong information function. The term has its own function, necessity and pragmatic value, and adapts to the needs of the information society. In the practice of science and technology translation, the processing of terms is of great importance, which is directly related to the accurate transmission of scientific and technical stylistic information and the improvement of translation quality. EndNote is a reference catalogue management software, which can create EndNote personal reference database. It is used to collect and store all kinds of references needed by individuals. It has a wide range of users and is of great practical value. The source language materials selected in the translation part of this thesis come from the document management software EndNote user manual, which belongs to the scientific and technological discourse. Its remarkable feature is that there are many categories of terms contained and they are highly professional. Therefore, the main task of this translation practice is to accurately and professionally handle the translation of terms. By analyzing the characteristics of the terminology in the source language, it is divided into three categories: abbreviated term, normative term and non-normative term. The corresponding translation strategies are as follows: according to the characteristics of abbreviated terms, we can adopt (1) direct citation method to retain its original form in order to transfer information accurately; (2) note method, which is easy to understand by annotating the meaning; (3) reductive method, which can be used to restore the complete expression of the term. Ensure the accuracy of the translation. Normative terminology is a standardized term in a specific field, which has a unified and recognized meaning by society. It is dealt with by convention method, shift translation method and literal translation method respectively. Non-normative terms refer to the non-standard terms used only in specific fields, which are dealt with by adding translation method, imitating translation method, free translation method and mixed translation method.


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