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发布时间:2018-08-11 18:12
[Abstract]:Multimodal discourse analysis is a hot topic in the field of foreign language research in recent ten years. Its theoretical basis is Halliday's systemic functional linguistics. With the development of science and technology and teaching practice, multi-modal discourse analysis has been combined with multi-media teaching. Multimedia teaching is an important teaching method in English classroom teaching nowadays, especially PPT is widely used, multi-modal intervention can provide new ideas and inject new vitality for the design and application of English PPT. Multi-modal PPT realizes meaning mainly through the interaction of various symbol resources. It combines the symbol resources such as text, sound, picture, audio and video with language teaching, and conforms to the characteristics of students' learning. It can attract students' attention to information from multiple channels, enhance language input, and improve teaching effect to a certain extent. How to design high quality multimodal PPTs and give full play to the advantages of PPT in order to develop students' comprehensive language ability has always been the concern of many English teachers. The purpose of this paper is to understand the present situation of the practical application of multimodal PPT in English classroom, to summarize the types of multimodal PPT, to discuss its validity and problems, and to provide some feasible suggestions for the design and application of multimodal PPT. Based on multi-modal discourse analysis theory, constructivism theory and input reinforcement theory, this paper mainly uses sample analysis, classroom observation and interview to analyze 30 multimodal PPT collected. According to the statistical results, this paper classifies multimodal PPT from two aspects: text type and modal type. In terms of discourse types, multimodal PPT can be divided into three types: hint type, visual type, analytical type and inductive type. According to the modes used in PPT, multi-modal PPT is mainly divided into visual mode and auditory mode, visual mode includes text mode, picture text mode and chart mode, auditory mode includes text recording mode. Music mode and PPT effect mode. By analyzing samples, classroom observation and interviews, this paper discusses the effectiveness and problems of multimodal PPT. From the aspect of validity, multi-modal PPT can stimulate students' senses and improve students' initiative and enthusiasm, multimodal PPT has the characteristics of graph, text, sound and image, which is helpful to create language teaching situation. Multimodal PPT can improve the quality of information input by increasing the possibility of information perception and attention. There are three main problems in the production and application of multimodal PPT: single mode type, mainly visual mode, small proportion of auditory mode, teachers making multi-modal PPT, pictures, text, The selection of music and other materials is relatively narrow, the material quality needs to be improved; some PPT text arrangement, color collocation, background settings and other unreasonable, detailed errors. Finally, this paper gives some suggestions on the design and application of multimodal PPT. First of all, pay attention to the coordination of multiple modes, teachers should consider the teaching content and the actual situation of students to choose the appropriate mode, and try to avoid the single mode too much and modal changes too many extremes. In the aspect of material selection, the channel of material selection should be diversified, and the accuracy of material in teaching application should be paid attention to at the same time. In the aspect of making and designing of PPT, some suggestions are put forward from three aspects: text arrangement, color collocation and background setting. It is also suggested that teachers should improve their multimedia technology and master the skills of making PPT.


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