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发布时间:2018-08-12 09:35
[Abstract]:"1984" has been translated into many languages since its publication in 1948 and has become a world-waking masterpiece. In China, however, as "1984" was labeled as an anti-Communist book, it was once banned on the mainland and only translated in Hong Kong and Taiwan. The Chinese versions of'94'have been published in mainland China, such as Mr. Sun Zhongxu's and Mr. Dong Leshan's. These translations have not only made literary achievements, but also provided guidance for translation practice. The first part is a brief introduction to the translation task, including the source of the task, the author, the introduction of the work and the structure of the report. The second part describes the translation process of the translation task, including the preparation before translation: analyzing the text, studying the existing translation in advance, and calculating the translation process. The third part analyzes the translation cases, compares the contents of the first translation with the contents of the second translation, expands the analysis of words to the analysis of paragraphs, and evaluates the corresponding translation methods. The fourth part is the summary of the translation results, including the translation conclusion. Overall, the report meets not only the requirements of the tutor for the selection of topics, but also the requirements for the study and writing of the thesis. It is the untiring efforts of generations of translators that have propelled the development of translation literature. Finally, through this report, the author pays tribute to George Orwell and other translators. The writing and analysis of the translation report eventually realized the translation and evaluation from Chapter 1 to Chapter 3 of 1984, and at the same time learnt more translation knowledge in the process.


相关期刊论文 前10条

1 ;互动时代一九九九中国画邀请展[J];国画家;2000年02期

2 ;话剧《一九七七》[J];中国戏剧;2009年11期

3 ;《紫禁城》一九八四年第三期(~=第25期)目,




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