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发布时间:2018-08-13 18:01
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of globalization, the market for simultaneous interpretation has gradually expanded. From the beginning of only international news and major press conferences to the present sports events and awards ceremonies, simultaneous interpretation has begun to be used. This topic is originally from the author's own interest, before some understanding. Therefore, the author chooses the 59th Grammy Awards ceremony to carry out the practice of simulated simultaneous interpretation, summarizes and analyzes the problems and remedies in the process of simulation training, and puts forward some suggestions. Both theory and practice have shown that misrepresentation and misinterpretation are common problems in simultaneous interpretation. Therefore, the author needs to remedy them in a number of ways to ensure the quality and accuracy of the translation. Achieve the purpose of accurate transmission of information. This paper is divided into five parts: the first chapter is the introduction of the task, the author briefly introduces the Grammy awards ceremony in the world, the program form and so on, and analyzes the purpose of this practice. The second chapter describes the translation process, which is divided into pre-translation preparation and practical translation process. Pre-translation preparation includes the understanding of background knowledge, the storage of theoretical knowledge and some tools needed in the process of translation. The process of practice includes the content of the task and the finishing of the material after the practice. The third chapter is the quality evaluation. First, it briefly explains the quality evaluation criteria, mainly through the self-assessment and audience feedback for comprehensive evaluation. The fourth chapter is case analysis, this chapter is also an important part of this report, mainly to select the practice of the case analysis, and then to summarize the problems and errors, and put forward some suggestions. The fifth chapter is the conclusion. The author summarizes the above and puts forward some suggestions on the practice of interpreting in the future.


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