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发布时间:2018-08-13 18:09
[Abstract]:English reading, as an important input, is not only an important part of English teaching in senior high school. And it also occupies a very important position in the college entrance examination. The English Curriculum Standard of General Senior High School (draft for comments) issued in 2016 puts forward four major qualities of English language ability and cultural character around the concept of "subject core accomplishment". The quality of thinking and learning ability, and learning English reading well will play an important role in the cultivation of high school students' English core literacy. However, the present situation of English reading teaching in senior high school is not so satisfactory. In practical English reading teaching, the guidance of reading skills and reading strategies is often lacking, students' autonomous reading ability is not fully cultivated, and students' interest in reading is not stimulated. Therefore, in reading teaching, teachers need to use effective teaching methods and strategies to help students accumulate more language knowledge, at the same time, to train students to use appropriate and effective reading strategies, and ultimately promote the development of students' core literacy. Mind guide plan is one of the effective teaching methods and techniques. Since it was put forward by Donibozan in the 1970s, it has been gradually applied to all fields of society, including education. The application of thinking map in English reading teaching has also achieved corresponding results. In order to ensure the feasibility of the study, 177 English teachers from 30 ordinary high schools in seven prefectures of Sichuan province were randomly assigned the "questionnaire on the Application of thinking Map in Senior English Teaching" at the beginning of the experiment. According to the results of the questionnaire, 43% of the teachers do not know much or do not know the mind map at all. 33% of the teachers have never used a mind map in English class. But 98.8% of teachers hope to get guidance on how to use thinking map in English teaching. 36.6% of teachers apply thinking map to English reading teaching, but only 26.8% of teachers think that the effect is very good. Previous studies by various experts and scholars have shown that thinking mapping can improve students' English reading efficiency, but the results of this questionnaire are far from that. Therefore, in order to prove that the thinking map is really helpful to the students' reading efficiency and reading ability, this paper takes 102 students from the two parallel classes in the second year of Senior two of Chengdu Tanghu Foreign language Experimental School as the research objects. In order to help students better understand the structure of the article and guide students to use reading strategies, teachers apply the thinking map to English reading teaching. At the same time, students can improve their reading efficiency by completing the thinking map in reading class. Based on the questionnaire, semi-structured interviews and classroom observations, the present study verifies the feasibility and effectiveness of thinking map in English reading teaching in senior high school. Finally, it is proved that thinking map can stimulate students' interest and motivation in English reading, train students to use reading strategies, improve reading efficiency and develop students' reading ability. In addition, the author also found that the improvement of students' reading efficiency by thinking map is usually aimed at middle and excellent students, and the effect is not obvious to the underachievers. Finally, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to use thinking map in high school English reading teaching.


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