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发布时间:2018-08-13 18:40
【摘要】:英语写作能力是一项非常重要的语言技能,尤其是对英语专业的学生而言。然而学生的实际写作能力并不乐观,近年来有诸多针对英语写作能力的研究,以期能够提高学生的写作能力。其中对于写作教学法的使用以及作文中出现的各种错误的研究较多。评价理论是系统功能语言学在人际意义方面的扩展研究,Martin和White尝试构建评价理论去研究语篇中的评价性语言。学生在写作的过程中会用到各种评价资源去表达自己的态度,观点和立场以实现写作的目的。本文尝试把评价理论引入到英语写作研究中来,应用评价理论的框架来分析英语专业学生写作中评价资源的分布及特征,希望在此研究的基础上能够对学生的写作以及教师的写作教学有所启发。本文搜集了71篇来自某大学英语专业大三英语写作课期末试卷。采用定量和定性研究的方法,分析其中的评价资源的分布及特征。定量研究以Antconc 3.35,WORD作为研究工具,分析语料中的评价资源的分布。定性研究分析语料中真实的例子,说明学生使用评价资源的特征以及使用时存在的问题。本研究的主要发现如下:首先,71篇的学生的作文中评价词有3780个,占到总字数(31466)的12.08%。。其中态度词汇占总评价词的49.8%,级差词汇占27.2%,介入词汇占23%,学生偏向于直接使用态度资源表达自己对于某一话题的情感和评价。其次,在态度子资源中,情感词和鉴赏词的数量接近,判断词的总量超过了态度资源的一半,说明学生能够从各个角度对行为作出评价;然后在介入子资源中,否定词数量最多,这反映了学生偏爱否认其他可能的潜在观点,尝试压缩对话空间,对自己所持有的态度过于强调,同时又缺少足够的证据表明自己观点的合理性;再次在级差资源中,语势占到96.2%,聚焦只有3.8%。学生过多使用比较级和最高级突出自己想要表达的思想,而不是其他的级差资源,有企图减少词汇错误的倾向。最后语料中前30个高频评价词,集中体现了学生在使用评价资源方面存在的问题。如不能灵活使用同义词,同一评价词汇高频反复出现。本研究具有实践价值,通过运用评价理论框架分析英语专业学生写作中评价词汇的使用情况,揭示了学生在作文中使用评价词汇表达立场观点时存在的各种问题,有助于学生和教师对写作能力的反思和提高。
[Abstract]:English writing ability is a very important language skill, especially for English majors. However, the students' actual writing ability is not optimistic. In recent years, there are many researches on the English writing ability in order to improve the students' writing ability. Among them, there are many researches on the use of writing teaching method and various mistakes in composition. Evaluation Theory is an extended study of interpersonal meaning in systemic functional Linguistics. Martin and White try to construct an evaluative theory to study the evaluative language in discourse. In the process of writing, students will use various evaluation resources to express their attitudes, views and positions in order to achieve the purpose of writing. This paper attempts to introduce the theory of evaluation into the study of English writing, and applies the framework of evaluation theory to analyze the distribution and characteristics of evaluation resources in the writing of English majors. On the basis of this research, I hope to enlighten students' writing and teachers' writing teaching. This paper collected 71 English writing papers from a college English major. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to analyze the distribution and characteristics of evaluation resources. The quantitative study uses Antconc 3.35 word as a tool to analyze the distribution of evaluation resources in the corpus. The qualitative study analyzes the real examples in the corpus to illustrate the characteristics of students' use of evaluation resources and the problems in using them. The main findings of this study are as follows: first, there are 3780 words in 71 compositions, accounting for 12.08. of the total number of words (31466). Among them, attitude vocabulary accounted for 49.8% of the total appraising words, differential vocabulary accounted for 27.2 and involved vocabulary accounted for 23%. Students tended to use attitude resources directly to express their feelings and evaluation on a certain topic. Secondly, in the attitude sub-resources, the number of emotion words and appreciation words are close, the total number of judgment words is more than half of the attitude resources, which shows that students can evaluate behavior from various angles; then, in the intervention sub-resources, The number of negative words is the most, which reflects the students' preference to deny other potential views, try to reduce the dialogue space, emphasize their own attitude too much, and lack sufficient evidence to show the reasonableness of their views; Again, in the differential resources, the language potential accounts for 96.2g, focusing only 3.8g. Students tend to try to reduce lexical errors by using the comparative level and the highest level to highlight the ideas they want to express, rather than using other graded resources. The first 30 high-frequency words in the final corpus reflect the problems in the use of evaluation resources. If the synonyms can not be used flexibly, the same evaluation vocabulary appears frequently and repeatedly. This study is of practical value. By using the framework of evaluation theory to analyze the use of evaluation vocabulary in English majors' writing, this paper reveals the problems existing in students' use of evaluation vocabulary to express their views in writing. It is helpful for students and teachers to reflect on and improve their writing ability.


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