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发布时间:2018-08-15 18:15
【摘要】:行为经济学是经济学和心理学的交叉学科,它和每个人相关,和每个企业相关。人们每天都会面临选择,很多看似理性的行为,其实背后都充满了非理性。学习行为经济学,洞悉人类思维深处的奥秘,探索做出非理性选择的规律,能让我们做选择前反观自己,更好地指导我们的生活。近年来投资理财发展得火热,发展伴随着交流,交流就需要翻译,所以相应的文本翻译需求也在增长,笔者阅读了多本关于行为经济学、投资理财方面的书籍,《偏好、选择和幸福行为经济学》(Behavioral Economics of Preferences,Choices,andHappiness)一书是为行为经济学和金融学的未来发展提供新颖和更宽广的方向,笔者通过阅读,最后选取书中第十四章《收入比较剖析的另一种方法:来源于假设选择实验的证据》作为翻译实践材料并撰写翻译报告。本篇翻译报告由引言、源文本介绍、翻译过程、案例分析和总结构成。引言是对翻译项目背景和意义的介绍。源文本介绍包括源文本内容、源文本语言特征和风格。翻译过程主要包括译前准备、译中和译后审校,其中笔者主要从平行文本阅读、翻译工具选择和翻译理论三方面进行译前准备。在译中部分,主要总结了翻译过程中的重难点。案例分析是整个报告的重中之重,针对翻译中遇到的典型问题进行详细分析,并给出了相应翻译思路,笔者从词汇翻译、句法翻译和语篇翻译三方面着手进行分析。最后一部分是整篇报告的总结,概括了笔者欠缺的地方并给出相应的未来计划。
[Abstract]:Behavioral economics is an interdisciplinary discipline of economics and psychology. It is relevant to everyone and to every firm. People are faced with choices every day, and many seemingly rational behaviors are filled with irrationality behind them. Learning behavioral economics, understanding the deep mysteries of human thinking and exploring the rules of making irrational choices can enable us to look back at ourselves before making choices and better guide our lives. In recent years, the development of investment and finance has become very hot, and with the development of communication, communication needs translation, so the corresponding demand for text translation is also increasing. The author has read a number of books on behavioral economics, investment and finance. Behavioral Economics of Choice and Happiness. "(Behavioral Economics of preferences and Happiness" is a novel and broader direction for the future development of behavioral economics and finance. Finally, another method of comparative analysis in Chapter 14 of the book, evidence from hypothetical selection experiments, is selected as translation practice material and translation report is written. This translation report consists of introduction, source text introduction, translation process, case analysis and summary. The introduction is an introduction to the background and significance of the translation project. Source text description includes source text content, source text language features and style. The translation process mainly includes pre-translation preparation, translation Chinese and post-translation revision, in which the author prepares for translation mainly from three aspects: parallel text reading, translation tool selection and translation theory. In the part of translation, it summarizes the important and difficult points in the process of translation. Case analysis is the most important part of the whole report. The typical problems encountered in translation are analyzed in detail, and the corresponding translation ideas are given. The author begins with the analysis from three aspects: lexical translation, syntactic translation and text translation. The last part is a summary of the whole report, summarizes the lack of the author and gives the corresponding future plans.


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1 李蕾;;试析英语长句的翻译技巧与方法[J];河南机电高等专科学校学报;2008年04期

2 刘惠玲;医学文献英译汉中的词义辨析与转换[J];零陵学院学报;2003年S2期




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