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发布时间:2018-08-16 07:39
【摘要】:英语词汇是高职高专英语教学中的一个重要组成部分。近年来,国内外许多专家学者在词汇学习策略方面进行了大量应用研究,验证了词汇学习策略的掌握对英语能力的提高具有非常深远的影响。高职高专学生的英语基础普遍较为薄弱,词汇积累量较少,如何在非常有限的课堂教学中使学生有效的提高对词汇的理解和掌握,是高职教学的一大难题。然而以往的研究大多数都是指向普通高校和基础教育,对高职学生的英语词汇策略研究较少。本文根据O'Malley和Chamot的词汇学习策略理论,以高职高专入学学生为研究对象尝试从认知词汇学的视角来指导高职英语词汇学习策略。本次研究主要围绕三个问题展开,(1)认知词汇学指导下的词汇学习策略相比较于传统的词汇学习方式是否更有效?(2)认知词汇学理论指导下的词汇学习策略如何能提高高职高专学生的词汇学习的自主意识?(3)如何在高职词汇教学中运用认知词汇学理论来扩展高职高专学生的词汇学习量和深度?作者按照词汇学习策略理论,设计了高职学校英语词汇学习策略的调查问卷,并对江苏海事职业技术学院83名学生的英语词汇学习策略问题进行了调查,将采集的数据用SPSS12.0软件进行相关统计分析,并对出现的问题进行总结和反思。其后,以江苏海事职业技术学院的两个航海技术专业的平行班为研究对象,分为实验班和控制班进行了为期12周的对比实验教学。通过前测和后测的成绩对比,较为系统的研究了认知词汇学理论指导下的词汇策略和学生词汇习得的相关性。而访谈则用来了解被调查者的主观看法,对问卷起到了解释和补充的作用,试图为高职高专学生合理有效的掌握并运用词汇学习策略提供实证依据。实证调查发现如下:(1)在进行了 12周的实证实验之后,实验班和控制班的成绩对比明显,相比较于运用传统教学方法的控制班,实验班的进步更明显,也证明认知词汇学指导下的词汇学习策略相比较与传统的词汇教学方法对学生更为有效。(2)通过正确划分词汇范畴练习,做笔记和课后练习巩固等方式训练学生策略的自主运用能力。实验前和实验后进行的问卷调查表明,在实验后,高职学生在自主使用词汇学习策略方面比控制班表现得更积极,这表明学生词汇学习的自主性能在认知词汇学理论的指导下得到了相应的提高。(3)在实证教学中,教师侧重于几种策略的综合运用和示范,如利用基本范畴理解上下义范畴,通过原型扩展词汇,通过意向图式理论构建词汇网络,以及通过隐喻和转喻理论加强多义词的理解等。对前后测的对比统计表明实验班和控制班在词汇量和词汇深度方面都有了提高。这表明有效的利用认知词汇学指导下的词汇学习策略能够扩大学生的词汇量并且大大的提高学生词汇掌握的深度。总之,本研究的基于认知词汇学理论的词汇学习策略可以运用于促进学生的词汇习得并证明是更加有效的。最后笔者就词汇学习策略的运用给教学者提了一些建议。首先,教师要重视基本范畴词汇的讲解,以原型为中心,注重词汇深层关系的讲解。其次,教师要帮助学生建立词汇知识图式,构建以往知识和生词之间的联系。再次,教师应当培养学生的隐喻思维能力。最后,教师应当对学生进行系统的词汇学习策略培训,把记忆策略与运用策略有机地结合起来,提高学生对词汇宽度和深度的理解和运用。
[Abstract]:English vocabulary is an important part of English teaching in Higher Vocational colleges. In recent years, many experts and scholars at home and abroad have done a lot of Applied Research on vocabulary learning strategies, which proves that mastery of vocabulary learning strategies has a very far-reaching impact on the improvement of English proficiency. However, most of the previous studies have been directed at ordinary universities and basic education, and few have been done on vocabulary strategies of Higher Vocational students. Based on the theory of vocabulary learning strategies, this study attempts to guide vocabulary learning strategies in Higher Vocational Colleges from the perspective of cognitive lexicology. How can vocabulary learning strategies under the guidance of vocabulary learning theory improve students'autonomy in vocabulary learning? (3) How can cognitive lexicology be used to expand students' vocabulary learning capacity and depth in vocabulary teaching? According to the theory of vocabulary learning strategies, the author designs English vocabulary learning in Vocational schools. The questionnaires were used to investigate the English vocabulary learning strategies of 83 students in Jiangsu Maritime Vocational and Technical College. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS12.0 software and the problems were summarized and reflected. Then, the two major of navigation technology in Jiangsu Maritime Vocational and Technical College were parallel. Classes were divided into experimental classes and control classes, and a 12-week comparative experiment was conducted. By comparing the results of the pre-test and post-test, the correlation between vocabulary strategies and students'vocabulary acquisition under the guidance of cognitive lexicology was studied systematically. Interviews were used to understand the subjective opinions of the respondents, which contributed to the questionnaire. The results show that: (1) After 12 weeks'experiment, the results of the experimental class and the control class are obviously compared, and the progress of the experimental class is better than that of the control class with traditional teaching methods. It also proves that the vocabulary learning strategies under the guidance of cognitive lexicology are more effective than the traditional vocabulary teaching methods. (2) Students'autonomous use of strategies can be trained by correctly dividing vocabulary categories, taking notes and consolidating exercises after class. After the experiment, the students in higher vocational schools are more active in using vocabulary learning strategies independently than in the control class, which indicates that students'autonomy in vocabulary learning has been improved correspondingly under the guidance of cognitive lexicology theory. (3) In the empirical teaching, teachers focus on the comprehensive use and demonstration of several strategies, such as the use of basic categories to understand up and down. Meaning category, expanding vocabulary through prototype, constructing vocabulary network through intention schema theory, and enhancing the comprehension of polysemy through metaphor and metonymy theory. In a word, the vocabulary learning strategies based on cognitive lexicology theory in this study can be used to promote students'vocabulary acquisition and prove to be more effective. Finally, the author gives some suggestions on the application of vocabulary learning strategies to teachers. First of all, teachers should pay attention to the explanation of basic categories of vocabulary, prototype-centered, and deep-seated relationship of vocabulary. Secondly, teachers should help students to establish vocabulary knowledge schema and build the relationship between past knowledge and new words. Vocabulary learning strategy training combines memory strategy with application strategy to improve students'comprehension and application of vocabulary breadth and depth.


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