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发布时间:2018-08-17 11:11
[Abstract]:Patent documents are related materials of invention and creation, which include many fields such as physics, chemistry, machinery, science and technology and so on. With the increasing international communication, the importance of patent translation is becoming more and more important. Taking the author's practice of translating patent documents in the field of machinery as an example, this paper analyzes and explores the patent documents of machinery from the aspects of language characteristics, syntactic features, word translation, sentence translation, tool reference, and so on. According to its characteristics, the author summarizes the more systematic translation methods. This practice report is divided into five parts. The first part is the task description, mainly introduces the translation project situation; the second part is the process description, mainly divides into the pre-translation preparation stage, the official translation stage and the revision stage; the third part is the pre-translation preparation, including the text analysis. The fourth part is a case study, which is based on the functional equivalence theory of American linguist Nida, and introduces the translation strategies and the problems encountered in the process of translation from five aspects. The fifth part is a summary of the experience accumulated in this translation practice. This practice report analyzes and explores the text characteristics and translation techniques of mechanical patent documents, and hopes that this practice report can serve as a reference for the subsequent translation of such patent documents.


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