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发布时间:2018-08-18 19:28
[Abstract]:English inanimate subject sentence is a common language phenomenon. Since Qian Ge-chuan first put forward "Abiologic subject", English apocalyptic subject has received extensive attention from domestic scholars. Some scholars analyze this phenomenon from the perspectives of English and Chinese contrastive translation, rhetorical devices and metaphor theory. English contrastive translation and rhetorical devices depend on the text more on the phenomenon itself and lack of research on the nature and generating mechanism of English apocalyptic sentences. Therefore, this paper explores the working mechanism of English apocalyptic sentences by using the relevant theories of life degree, conceptual metaphor and conceptual metonymy. The inanimate subject sentence in this paper refers to a sentence in which an inanimate noun acts as a subject and a verb expressing the action or behavior or psychological process of a living entity (person) is used as a predicate. The degree of life is of great importance to the understanding of English inanimate subjects. The degree of life is reflected not only in the nouns that represent the objective existence and serve as the subject of the sentence, but also in the predicate verbs of the sentence. In addition, the degree of life is not only a static level concept, but also a dynamic process. Through metonymy and metaphor, the living body (person) in the front of the life degree grade refracts its action to the inanimate entity or abstract concept, which makes it have the human action state, thus causing the improvement of the life degree level of the inanimate subject. Metaphor is the result of mapping one conceptual domain to another. Part of the English inanimate subject is produced under such a mechanism: the target field is usually the content represented by the apocalyptic word, such as abstract concept, psychological feeling, things, time and place, and the source domain denotes the living entity. The attributes of living entities are systematically mapped to the inanimate entities represented by the inanimate subject, making them have the characteristics of life and agency. Conceptual metonymy is based on proximity, not similarity, to the source concept. Metonymy is a cognitive process in which a conceptual entity or carrier provides psychological access to another conceptual entity or goal in the same ideal cognitive model. In this process, some salient parts are used to replace the whole entity or others. Some apocalyptic sentences are generated by ideal cognitive mode in metonymy. Some apocalyptic words representing highly prominent body parts, time and place, specific features or parts of the body replace the whole entity or other parts.


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