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发布时间:2018-08-19 10:03
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of globalization, China has attracted worldwide attention. The translation of cultural texts plays an important role in the communication between China and the West, so the translation of good cultural texts is very necessary and meaningful. The author has translated some of the contents of "Chinese customs and customs", which is an attempt to achieve this goal. There are three major parts in "Chinese local customs": the folklore of China. Middle editor-Chinese family and lower editor-Chinese psychology. The first part consists of three parts: Chinese diet, Chinese house architecture and Chinese national dress. The author chooses the Chinese diet in this book for translation. To a large extent, the text embodies Chinese characteristics, including the translation of Chinese poetry, historical events and proverbs, especially the translation of some Chinese specialty dishes. This paper is a translation practice report based on the author's translation of Chinese customs and customs. Under the guidance of Newmark's communicative translation theory and the translator's own translation practice, the author makes an analysis of the translation of Chinese customs and customs. Firstly, the author explores some translation methods and strategies under the guidance of communicative translation theory. Secondly, the author analyzes the main features, differences and causes of language in English and Chinese cultural texts, and lists some common lexical and syntactic difficulties in translation, such as the names of some characteristic foods and dishes. Translation of culture-loaded words and historical allusions. Finally, based on some typical examples in the original text, the author explores and excavates some of the main translation methods encountered in translation, such as literal and free translation, transliteration plus notes, additional translation and so on. The aim of this paper is to make the translation acceptable to the target readers and to spread the culture of the target language to the maximum extent, so that the Chinese food culture will continue to go all over the world. This paper is an effective attempt of Newmark's communicative translation theory in the process of translating Chinese customs and customs into English. At the same time, it provides some useful references for other translators through the study of the translation of "Chinese customs and customs". Let more translators understand the translation in this field.


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