[Abstract]:A large number of studies have shown that in the process of perceptual processing, the conversion of different modes will lead to processing consumption. The theory of perceptual symbols holds that external things are stored in the brain in the form of multimodal perceptual symbols. According to the theory of perceptual symbols, perceptual simulation is the basis of conceptual representation, and the processing of different modes of concepts results in conversion consumption. On the other hand, previous studies on the conceptual processing of negative sentences have proved that negative information is represented by embodied patterns, but there is no evidence that perceptual simulation can affect the processing of negative information. The main research questions are: (1) Does modal transfer effect exist in the conceptual processing of Chinese EFL learners'English affirmative sentences? (2) Does modal transfer effect exist in the conceptual processing of Chinese EFL learners' English negative sentences? (2) Does it exist in the conceptual processing of Chinese EFL learners'English negative sentences? In this study, 20 postgraduates majoring in language and literature in Sichuan Foreign Language College were selected as subjects. The task paradigm of sentence judgment was used to make the subjects judge whether the concepts in the sentences were correctly described or not. EEG data were used to investigate whether there was modal switching effect in the conceptual processing of L2 Kennegatives. The experiment was programmed with E-Prime 2.0 software. Neuroscan 4.5 and Synaps 2 collected and recorded the EEG data produced in the experiment. Then the EEG data were analyzed offline and the results were input into SPSS19.0 statistical software for statistical analysis. The experimental results are as follows: (1) In the processing of English affirmative sentences, there is no significant difference between the response time (t = - 0.186, P = 0.8550.05) and the accuracy (t = 0.000, P = 1.0000.05) of the subjects under the condition of modal consistency and inconsistency. The results show that modal inconsistencies induce P200 (t = - 3.551, P = 0.0010.05) with larger amplitude and N400 (t = - 2.053, P = 0.0420.05) with longer latency than modal inconsistencies. This indicates that EFL learners in China need to pay more attention to second language conceptual processing on the basis of perceptual experience. In addition, this study also found that modal congruence induced a larger N100 amplitude (t = - 2.920, P = 0.0040.05) than modal inconsistency, indicating that different modal perceptual stimuli induced different ERP modulation effects. (2) In the processing of English negative sentences, behavioral data showed that subjects with modal congruence and inconsistency had different ERP modulation effects. There was no significant difference in response time (t = 1.308, P = 0.2090.05) of the target (3) sentence, but the accuracy of the subjects under modal inconsistency was significantly lower than that under modal consistency (t = 2.364, P = 0.0310.05), indicating that contextual sentences under different modal conditions interfered with the comprehension of the target sentence or the promotion of contextual sentences under consistent modal conditions. Similar to the conceptual processing in affirmative sentences, the EEG data showed that modal inconsistency induced larger P200 amplitude (t = - 4.026, P = 0.0000.05), longer latency (t = - 2.965, P = 0.0040.05) and smaller N100 amplitude (t = - 4.145, P = 0.0000.05) than modal congruence, indicating that No. The addition of definite factors does not affect the conceptual processing of English negative sentences by modal conditions. The effect of modal transformation also exists in the conceptual processing of English negative sentences by Chinese EFL learners. The learners perform perceptual simulation in the process of conceptual processing, and there are modal switching effects in the conceptual processing of English affirmative and negative sentences.
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