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发布时间:2018-08-22 13:31
[Abstract]:This paper is a practical report on English-Chinese consecutive interpretation. The task described in this report is an Australian SSI's visit to the Wan-long ski resort in November 2016 on the theme of SSI's brief introduction and outlook for the global ski industry. This report analyzes the interpretation text of a speech by Steve Kenny, director of SSI, Australia, at the Wannong ski resort, to explore the importance of pre-translation preparation and the psychological problems that arise during the translation process. Strategies for solving the problem of missing translation and complex sentence translation. Finally, according to the completion of the task of consecutive interpretation, the author summarizes the problems and makes reflections. This report mainly includes four parts: mission description, task process, case analysis and practice summary. In the first chapter, the author briefly describes the interpretation task, introduces the background of the sponsor, and lists the requirements of the client for the interpreter. The second chapter is divided into three parts: pre-translation preparation, interpretation process and interpretation quality evaluation. Pre-translation preparation is divided into three stages: pre-preparation, mid-term preparation and late preparation. Early preparation is mainly to understand the background knowledge of skiing, including the introduction of the Wanlong ski site. The medium-term preparation is based on the outline of the speech, further understanding and background knowledge of SSI company and speaker characteristics and text types. The interpretation process is a detailed description of the task. The third chapter analyzes the problems in the process of interpreting. It mainly focuses on the phenomena of hesitancy, pause and mantra due to tension, omission of comparison sentences and how to translate more complex sentence patterns. In the third chapter, the author describes the causes of the problems and their solutions in detail, and discusses the translation strategies of complex sentence patterns based on the interpretive theory. Finally, the fourth chapter reflects on the problems in the process of translation and puts forward the direction of future efforts.


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