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发布时间:2018-08-25 12:24
[Abstract]:After the reform and opening up, with the sustained and rapid development of our economy, the increasingly close international contacts and the promotion of the concept of lifelong education, there is a growing demand for working adult amateur learners to learn English, and to use English more and more strongly. The social requirements for adult English education are also getting higher and higher. Despite the great development of foreign language continuing education in China in the past 30 years, there are still a series of practical problems. For example the teacher-centered classroom teaching model neglects the cultivation of practical English application ability and the dialogue between teachers and students and teachers and students is rare. With the development of new curriculum reform, dialogue teaching has become the trend of English teaching development. Based on the literature analysis, questionnaire survey, interview and classroom observation, this thesis describes the problems of dialogue teaching in adult English classroom teaching. The causes of the problems and the factors affecting the implementation of adult English dialogue teaching are analyzed, and the operational strategies which are helpful to adult English dialogue teaching are put forward. The results of the investigation show that dialogue teaching has not been fully implemented in adult English classes. Although some teachers try to use dialogue teaching unintentionally or intentionally, there are still some limitations in the application of dialogue teaching, which is still only in the formalized stage. Therefore, dialogue teaching requires teachers to design ahead of time, the leading role of teachers and their unclear understanding of the essence of dialogue teaching are the main factors that affect the effective implementation of dialogue teaching. The quantity of teachers and students and the structure of classroom questioning can promote the effective implementation of dialogue teaching. Finally, the author hopes that English teachers should pay enough attention to the dialogue teaching and enhance the interaction and communication between teachers and students as well as between students and students. This thesis consists of five parts. The first part is the introduction, mainly introduces the research background, the research purpose and the significance as well as the whole structure of the thesis. The second part is the theoretical framework of dialogue teaching and a summary of domestic and foreign research on dialogue teaching. The third part is the research design of this paper, including the research content, research problems, research objects, research methods and specific implementation process. The fourth part is the result and analysis of adult English dialogue teaching. The fifth part is the conclusion, through the understanding of the problem and the analysis of the influencing factors, the author puts forward the optimization strategy of the dialogue teaching in the adult English classroom, as well as the limitation of this study and the research direction in the future.


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