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发布时间:2018-08-26 12:35
[Abstract]:This paper is based on the practical report of English-Chinese translation. The original text is an English analysis report on India's major industries, covering a number of industries in India, including automobiles, pharmaceuticals, food, etc. The specific analysis for each industry is based on the latest data, industry profiles, and market size. Investment, government measures, prospects for these aspects of the development, the structure is very regular. The features of the original text and translation difficulties are mainly reflected in the following aspects: first, the original text is an industry analysis report, and its translation has a relatively fixed paradigm. The author lacks understanding of the professional text of the industry analysis report. Second, the original text contains a complex system of technical terms (including a large number of economic terms and related terms in many industries) and a large number of proper nouns (such as company names, agency names, file names, place names, etc.). The author is unfamiliar with some of the terms and proper nouns. Third, the original text contains many sentences describing economic data. This kind of sentence is rich in information, strict in structure, flexible in structure, and very different in Chinese and English sentence patterns. It has a more professional and accurate expression in the target language, which requires the translator to clarify the meaning of the sentence, clear the logical relationship, and deal with it flexibly. And this is precisely the author grasps the deficiency. Based on an in-depth study of the concepts, sources and functions of intertextuality theory and parallel texts, the translation report analyzes in detail how to solve the above translation difficulties by using parallel texts under the guidance of intertextuality theory. Therefore, it emphasizes the guiding significance of intertextuality theory in the translation practice and the practicability of parallel texts. From the perspective of intertextuality theory and parallel text application, it is helpful for translators to understand the practical value of intertextuality theory in non-literary translation works. The author believes that the rational use of parallel texts can help translators to improve their translation efficiency, translation quality and translation level. The report is divided into four chapters: the first chapter briefly introduces the translation project (including the source of the project, the main content, translation requirements), the characteristics of the original text and translation difficulties, the significance of the study. The second chapter introduces intertextuality theory, parallel text and the relationship between them. This is the theoretical basis of the report. The third chapter analyzes the role of parallel texts in solving the translation difficulties of the project through examples, including helping the translator to grasp the paradigm of industry analysis reports as a whole and to determine the translation of terms and proper nouns. Clear up the sentence and find the right way to express it. Chapter four summarizes the translation practice and puts forward some suggestions for future research and study.


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