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发布时间:2018-08-26 16:36
【摘要】:听力是语言学习的基础。然而传统的高中英语听力教学过分注重语言知识的灌输使听力教学单一化。随着网络可接触各模态资源的增多,人们对多元识读能力的培养提出新要求,也为英语听力教学的改善提供了新的思路。为改善传统英语听力教学的单一教学模式并在提高学生的听力理解能力同时培养学生的多元识读能力,本文梳理了国内外关于多元识读能力及其培养模式的相关文献后,将New London Group提出的以“设计”为理念的,由情景操作、明确指导、批判性构架和改造式操练四个教学步骤组成的多元识读能力培养模式应用于高中英语听力教学。本研究根据听力教学的需要选择视听资源理解能力、听力材料检索运用能力、视听资源判断能力、协作交流能力这四种多元识读能力作为主要培养目标。并以如下假设展开探讨:(1)高中英语听力课堂应用New London Group提出的多元识读能力培养模式能够提高学生的听力理解能力。(2)该模式还能够培养学生的上述的四种多元识读能力。本研究以漳州一中高二年级两个平行班为实验被试,采用了前测、后测、问卷调查等手段,运用SPSS19统计分析软件对实验数据进行分析,得出以下研究发现:将多元识读能力培养模式应用于高中英语听力教学中有利于提高学生的英语听力理解能力。由于英语听力成绩的分值较小,英语听力成绩的涨幅空间在学习较好的学生中不大,听力成绩涨幅在学习中等学生当中较为明显。研究中还发现听力教学是学生对意义进行理解并再创造,这个过程需要学生学会利用网络可利用的资源进行搜索、挑选、整理和运用。这一教学模式不仅是适用课堂的听力也有助于课外听力学习的延伸。此外,本研究通过对问卷的成绩进行分析发现将多元识读能力培养模式应用于高中英语听力教学中也有助于提高学生的多元识读能力。其中听力材料检索能力和协作交流提高明显。学生的视听资判断能力和视听资源理解能力有了初步的提升。由于后两种能力的培养周期较长,还有待今后的进一步加强培训。最后,本文还针对该研究结论,提出有关的教学建议。本文旨在通过这一研究结果为广大一线教师改进听力教学方法、重视多模态资源开发、发展学生多元识读能力提供一定的理论和实践参考。
[Abstract]:Listening is the foundation of language learning. However, the traditional English listening teaching in senior high school pays too much attention to the inculcation of language knowledge. With the increase of network access to various modes of resources, people put forward new requirements for the cultivation of multiple reading abilities, and also provide a new way of thinking for the improvement of English listening teaching. In order to improve the single teaching mode of traditional English listening teaching and to improve students' listening comprehension ability and to cultivate students' pluralistic reading ability, this paper combs the relevant literature about multiple reading ability and its cultivation model at home and abroad. Based on the concept of "design" proposed by New London Group and composed of four teaching steps: situational operation, clear instruction, critical framework and modified practice, this paper applies the model of training reading ability to English listening teaching in senior high school. According to the needs of listening teaching, this study selected four kinds of multiple reading abilities, namely, the ability to understand audiovisual resources, the ability to search and use listening materials, the ability to judge audiovisual resources and the ability to communicate with each other. The following hypotheses are discussed: (1) the application of the multivariate reading training model proposed by New London Group in senior English listening class can improve the students' listening comprehension ability, and (2) the model can also train the students' four kinds of multiple reading abilities. In this study, two parallel classes of grade two in Zhangzhou No. 1 Senior Middle School were used to analyze the experimental data by means of pre-test, post-test and questionnaire, using SPSS19 statistical analysis software. The following conclusions are drawn: the application of the multiple reading ability training model to senior high school English listening teaching is helpful to improve students' listening comprehension ability. Because the score of English listening achievement is small, the improvement space of English listening achievement is not large among the students who study better, but the increase of listening achievement is more obvious among the middle students. The study also finds that listening teaching is a process of students' understanding and re-creation of meaning, which requires students to learn to search, select, organize and use the resources available on the network. This teaching mode is not only applicable to classroom listening but also helpful to the extension of extracurricular listening learning. In addition, through the analysis of the results of the questionnaire, it is found that the application of the multiple reading ability training model in senior English listening teaching can also help to improve the students' multi-reading ability. Among them, the ability of listening material retrieval and cooperative communication were improved obviously. Students' ability to judge audiovisual resources and to understand audiovisual resources have been preliminarily improved. Due to the long period of the latter two abilities, further training is needed in the future. Finally, the paper puts forward some teaching suggestions on the conclusion of the research. The purpose of this paper is to provide some theoretical and practical references for teachers to improve their listening teaching methods, attach importance to the development of multi-modal resources, and develop students' pluralistic reading ability.


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