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发布时间:2018-08-26 19:48
【摘要】:词汇习得是二语习得的中心任务(Lewis 1993),对英语学习者来说,听说读写每一项语言技能的运用都依赖词汇。附带习得作为学习者拓展词汇的主要途径(Huckin Coady1999),自20世纪80年代以来,受到越来越多学者的重视和研究。有关附带词汇习得和强化的方法问题一直是附带词汇习得研究的热点(苗青霞2013)。国内外研究者针对词汇习得和强化记忆,进行了输入增显和输出任务强化的干预研究。已有的研究揭示了阅读之后进行输出强化任务有助于附带词汇习得,其中合作复述强化任务较其他输出任务对附带词汇习得更有效。但研究多为外语课堂中大学生同伴互动和师生互动研究,较少涉及到高中生附带词汇习得的研究。此外,师生互动和同伴互动的附带词汇习得效果有无特征差异,二者是如何影响高中生英语阅读附带词汇习得等问题,还需进行探讨。为此,本研究主要运用互动假说和输出假说,进一步对比分析互动输出任务与阅读输入对高中生附带词汇习得的效果,互动输出任务中师生互动和同伴互动对附带词汇习得的影响效果及其特征差异。具体回答以下4个问题:1.互动输出任务是否促进高中生英语阅读附带词汇习得?2.互动输出任务中,师生互动和同伴互动,哪一种方式习得效果更好?3.师生互动和同伴互动是如何影响高中生的附带词汇习得?4.导致师生互动和同伴互动差异的原因有哪些?通过采用词汇量水平测试、目标词即时后测和延时测试的方法,对湖南省湘西自治州第二民族中学高二年级3个平行班120名学生进行实验研究,实验组为互动输出组,包括师生互动组37人,同伴互动组42人,对照组为阅读输入组共41人。实验过程中学生参与两次目标词的测验,完成互动任务的实验组和阅读任务的对照组进行即时测试,一周后再进行延时测试。测试结果经由统计软件SPSS.22.0进行处理和分析,得出以下结论:第一,阅读后的互动输出任务有助于附带词汇习得。无论是即时习得还是延时保持,互动输出任务较之输入型阅读任务更有助于高中生英语附带词汇习得。第二,互动输出任务中,无论是即时习得还是延时习得,师生互动组附带词汇习得效果要好于同伴互动组。二者在延时词汇测试效果上存在显著差异,说明师生互动更有利于附带词汇习得的保持。第三,师生互动组和同伴互动组显著差异主要体现在反馈策略的使用方面,师生互动任务中,教师多采用灵活的反馈方式,将显性反馈和隐性反馈相结合。同伴互动组学生则较多使用隐性反馈方式。第四,师生互动和同伴互动差异特征主要受到反馈主体的英语水平,以往学习经历,动机和反馈策略等因素影响。本研究从互动和输出假说视角进一步验证了阅读输出任务较之阅读输入更有助于附带词汇习得,师生互动和同伴互动在词汇附带词汇习得的保持上存在显著差异,师生互动比同伴互动更有助于高中生英语附带词汇习得。同时为附带词汇习得理论和互动输出理论的可行性和操作性提供了实践支撑。最后,本文就高中英语词汇教学和英语附带词汇习得的研究提出一些建议,以促进教师词汇教学、学生词汇习得和英语附带词汇习得研究。
[Abstract]:Vocabulary acquisition is the central task of second language acquisition (Lewis 1993). For English learners, the use of every language skill depends on vocabulary. Incidental acquisition (Huckin Coady 1999), as the main way for learners to expand their vocabulary, has attracted more and more attention and research since the 1980s. Methods of acquisition and reinforcement have always been a hot topic in incidental vocabulary acquisition (Miao Qingxia, 2013). Researchers at home and abroad have conducted intervention studies on input enhancement and output task reinforcement in vocabulary acquisition and reinforcement memory. Retelling reinforcement task is more effective than other output tasks in incidental vocabulary acquisition. However, most of the studies are about peer interaction and teacher-student interaction in foreign language classes, and less about incidental vocabulary acquisition in senior high schools. Therefore, this study mainly uses the interactive hypothesis and the output hypothesis to make a further comparative analysis of the effects of interactive output task and reading input on Incidental Vocabulary acquisition, and the effects of teacher-student interaction and peer interaction on Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition in the interactive output task. The following four questions are answered: 1. Does the interactive output task promote incidental vocabulary acquisition in senior high school students'English reading? 2. Which is the better way to acquire incidental vocabulary in the interactive output task? 3. How does the teacher-student interaction and peer interaction affect senior high school students' incidental vocabulary acquisition? By means of vocabulary proficiency test, immediate post-test of target words and delayed test, 120 students from three parallel classes of Senior 2 in Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture of Hunan Province were tested. The experimental group consisted of an interactive output group consisting of 37 students and 42 students. During the experiment, the students participated in two tests of target words, the experimental group that completed the interactive task and the control group that completed the reading task were tested immediately, and the delayed test was conducted one week later. The verb-output task is helpful to incidental vocabulary acquisition. Interactive output task is more helpful to incidental vocabulary acquisition than input-based reading task, whether it is immediate acquisition or delayed acquisition. The results of delayed vocabulary tests showed that teacher-student interaction was more conducive to the retention of incidental vocabulary acquisition. Thirdly, the significant differences between teacher-student interaction group and peer interaction group were mainly reflected in the use of feedback strategies. In teacher-student interaction tasks, teachers used more flexible feedback methods, which included explicit feedback and implicit feedback. Fourthly, the differences between teacher-student interaction and peer interaction are mainly affected by the feedback subjects'English proficiency, previous learning experience, motivation and feedback strategies. This study further verifies that the reading output task is better than the other two from the perspective of interaction and output hypothesis. Reading input is more conducive to incidental vocabulary acquisition. Teacher-student interaction and peer interaction are significantly different in the retention of incidental vocabulary acquisition. Teacher-student interaction is more conducive to incidental vocabulary acquisition than peer interaction. Finally, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the study of English vocabulary teaching and incidental vocabulary acquisition in senior high schools so as to promote teachers'vocabulary teaching, students' vocabulary acquisition and English incidental vocabulary acquisition.


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