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发布时间:2018-08-29 19:35
【摘要】:正看到贵刊2017年第1期(2月15日)第26-28页刊出的李艳飞、熊欣两位作者的文章《译语话语权下的茶叶外宣英译研究》一文,我有些想法。该文认为中国茶叶名称应该意译,意译比音译优胜。例如"龙井"可译为"Dragon Well",广西梧州的"六堡茶"可译为"Six Castles Tea","大红袍"可译为,"Red Robe"。我对此有不同的看法。该文作者只注重"英译",然而要译成其它语文岂不是又要一一
[Abstract]:I have some thoughts on the article by Li Yanfei and Xiong Xin, published on pages 26-28 of your first issue (February 15, 2017), "A study on the Translation of Tea from English under the right of Translation." This paper argues that Chinese tea names should be translated freely, and free translation is better than transliteration. For example, "Longjing" can be translated as "Dragon Well", "Liubao Tea" in Wuzhou, Guangxi can be translated as "Six Castles Tea", "Dahongpao" can be translated as "Red Robe". I have different views on this. The author of this article only pays attention to "English translation", but it is not necessary to translate it into other languages.
【作者单位】: 香港中国语文学会;




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