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发布时间:2018-08-30 10:00
【摘要】:本文是一篇翻译报告。翻译材料选自约翰·奥伯格撰写的《寻找最好的自己》(The Me I Want To Be)的前三章。作者通过讲述自己生活和事业上失败的经历,反思了自己人性上的诸多弱点,在家人的帮助和福音的启示下,确立了新的人生目标,从而与读者分享了在努力追求最好的自己的人生历程中的乐趣。翻译该文本对帮助人们正确认识自己,合理应对当前社会各种压力具有一定的指导意义。隐喻是该小说最为突出的语言特色。隐喻作为一种特有的文化现象,通常蕴含着特有的思维方式和文化内涵。原文作者通过隐喻来刻画人物形象,描写人物心理变化,突出其写作目的,即以自身的经历说服并感染更多的人去实现最好的自己。为了将隐喻信息有效地传递给目标读者,本文从目的论的视角出发,对隐喻采用了直译、汉语同义隐喻套用和意译的翻译方法。直译有利于在向目标读者传递信息的同时保留原文隐喻,汉语同义隐喻套用符合目标读者的阅读规范,意译则简单地传达了原文信息。本文通过实例分析得出:在翻译隐喻时,译者要弄清作者的写作意图以及隐喻背后的含义,结合自己的翻译目的灵活地处理文本中的隐喻,这样有利于实现有效的交际目的。
[Abstract]:This paper is a translation report. The translation is based on the first three chapters of John Oberger's find the Best self. (The Me I Want To Be). Through the experience of failure in his life and career, the author reflects on his own weaknesses in human nature and establishes a new life goal with the help of his family and the inspiration of the gospel. Thus sharing with readers in the pursuit of the best of their own life process fun. The translation of this text has certain guiding significance to help people to understand themselves correctly and to deal with various kinds of social pressures. Metaphor is the most prominent linguistic feature of the novel. Metaphor, as a unique cultural phenomenon, usually contains a unique mode of thinking and cultural connotations. The author portrays the characters by metaphor, describes the psychological changes of the characters, and emphasizes the purpose of his writing, that is, to persuade and infect more people to realize the best self with his own experience. In order to effectively transmit metaphorical information to target readers, this paper adopts literal translation, Chinese synonymous metaphor application and free translation from the perspective of Skopos theory. Literal translation is helpful to keep the original metaphor while transmitting information to the target readers. The Chinese synonymous metaphor is in line with the target readers' reading norms, while the free translation simply conveys the original text information. Through the analysis of examples, this paper concludes that in translating metaphor, the translator should make clear the author's writing intention and the meaning behind the metaphor, and deal with the metaphor in the text flexibly in combination with his own translation purpose, which is conducive to the realization of effective communicative purpose.


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