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微软2015年Windows 10设备发布会模拟同声传译实践报告

发布时间:2018-09-04 13:43
【摘要】:本文为笔者进行的微软2015年Windows 10设备发布会模拟同声传译实践报告。同传模拟全程持续1小时47分钟,全部为英译汉,共有五位发言人发言,两位译者轮流传译。全文以笔者自身模拟实践中发现的问题及解决策略为重点,详细阐述了从接到任务后的准备,同传模拟,以及模拟后的反思三个方面所做的工作以及遇到的问题及解决方式。全文包含四个部分,分别为任务介绍、任务过程描述、案例分析和任务总结。任务介绍主要交代了此次模拟同声传译任务的性质及主要内容,为后面的任务准备做了铺垫。任务过程描述部分介绍了笔者为了出色完成此次模拟实践,从译前准备到翻译实施,在各方面所做的准备工作,包括译前准备、会场布置以及译员和听众的安排。第三章是全文的重点部分,选取了模拟实践过程中笔者遇到的有代表性的翻译实例,从三个方面,即:“零翻译”策略的运用、目的论指导下合理简约策略的使用,以及时态与措辞三个方面进行了案例分析与策略解答。笔者采用了理论与实践相结合的方式对本次口译实践中遇到的问题进行具体分析,给出了自己所采用的处理策略。全文最后一部分是对本次任务的总结以及对未来的展望。笔者希望通过自己的实践以及对遇到问题的处理方式的总结,能够为自己以后的翻译工作提供借鉴。同时,为他人带来有益的启示。
[Abstract]:This paper is a report on the simulated simultaneous interpretation of Microsoft Windows 10 device launch in 2015. Simultaneous interpretation simulation lasted 1 hour and 47 minutes, all of them were translated from English to Chinese, with five speakers speaking and two translators interpreting in turn. This paper focuses on the problems and solutions found in the author's own simulation practice, and expounds in detail the work done, the problems encountered and the solutions to the problems encountered from the preparation after receiving the task, the simulation of simultaneous interpretation, and the reflection after the simulation. The paper consists of four parts: task description, task process description, case analysis and task summary. The task description mainly explains the nature and main content of the simulated simultaneous interpretation task, which paves the way for the later task preparation. In the part of task process description, the author introduces the preparation work from pre-translation preparation to translation implementation, including pre-translation preparation, venue arrangement, and the arrangement of interpreters and listeners in order to accomplish the simulation practice. The third chapter is the key part of the full text, which selects the representative translation examples in the process of simulation practice, from three aspects: the use of "zero translation" strategy, the use of reasonable minimization strategy under the guidance of Skopos theory. As well as tense and wording of three aspects of the case analysis and strategic solutions. The author uses the combination of theory and practice to analyze the problems encountered in the practice of interpreting, and gives his own treatment strategies. The last part of the paper is the summary of this task and the prospect of the future. The author hopes that through his own practice and the summary of how to deal with the problems, it can be used as a reference for his later translation work. At the same time, bring beneficial enlightenment to others.


相关硕士学位论文 前2条

1 张增辉;Windows 10发布会模拟同传翻译报告:目的论指导下高语速冗赘信息的应对策略[D];浙江工商大学;2015年

2 钱伟强;微软2015年Windows 10设备发布会模拟同声传译实践报告[D];河北师范大学;2016年




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