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发布时间:2018-09-08 06:59
[Abstract]:There is no doubt that vocabulary learning plays an important role in foreign language learning, and the effect of vocabulary learning is of great significance to the development of students' comprehensive language competence. In the evaluation of foreign language learning at home and abroad, an important part is to investigate students' vocabulary mastery and vocabulary application ability. However, in the practical vocabulary teaching, we find that there are outstanding problems in the learning attitude and learning style of primary school students. How to improve the effect of vocabulary learning by improving vocabulary teaching has become one of the long-term and important needs of English teaching in China. This paper reviews and arranges the memory theory and schema theory related to vocabulary learning, and defines the key concepts such as vocabulary learning strategy, vocabulary association strategy and so on. On the basis of collecting and referring to the applied research of vocabulary learning at home and abroad, especially through associative strategies, the empirical research on improving the vocabulary learning effect of primary school students by teaching associative strategies is carried out. The purpose of this study is to solve the following problems: (1) what is the present situation of primary school students' English vocabulary learning? (2) can vocabulary association strategies improve the effect of pupils' vocabulary memory? (3) can vocabulary association strategies enhance pupils' ability to use vocabulary? (4) Strategies. Can the training improve the students' attitude towards vocabulary learning and the awareness of the use of vocabulary strategies? This study adopts mixed research method, including literature analysis, qualitative and quantitative research. The author uses the literature analysis method to explore the relevant important theories and key concepts, and summarizes the related research at home and abroad. In the main stage of the study, the main use of experimental method. The experimental class and the control class were selected in a primary school in Hangzhou, and the special training on vocabulary association strategy was carried out in the experimental class. Through questionnaire, interview, test and other qualitative and quantitative means to collect data, and mainly use independent sample T-test for data analysis. Based on the above research process, it is found that: (1) the present situation of primary school students' vocabulary learning is not very optimistic. Through the questionnaire survey, it is found that the students' problems in vocabulary memory, vocabulary use and awareness of vocabulary strategy use are more prominent. (2) after the experiment, According to the results of delayed dictation and vocabulary test, the author finds that the experimental class is better than the control class, which proves that the vocabulary association strategy can promote the memory of vocabulary. (3) in the aspect of vocabulary use, According to the results of the independent sample T test in the vocabulary test (vocabulary usage section), That is, P value is less than 0.05, which shows that vocabulary association strategy training can enhance students' ability to use vocabulary. (4) through the T-test of questionnaire data before and after the experiment class, the author finds that the students' attitude towards vocabulary learning has changed obviously. From the initial negative to the positive attitude. In addition, strategy training helps to enhance students' awareness of using strategies. On the basis of the research findings, this paper proposes the following strategies: teachers and educators should provide students with more opportunities to improve the use of vocabulary. Teachers and educators should use associative strategies more frequently to promote students' vocabulary learning. In addition, teachers should master more theories about vocabulary teaching to guide vocabulary teaching. For students and learners, it is necessary to actively broaden the channels of vocabulary learning and adjust their own learning attitude.


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