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发布时间:2018-09-12 08:31
[Abstract]:The traditional class teaching system is the mainstream teaching mode in primary and secondary school in our country. Although its teaching efficiency is high, its teaching effect is different from person to person. Under the class teaching system, there will be differences in learning ability among students in each class, and teachers often consider the average level of class students when determining teaching objectives, designing classroom activities and homework after class. Therefore, the competent students find the English classroom boring and unchallenging, while the weak students lose their confidence and interest in learning English because they fail to meet the requirements. To solve this problem, hierarchical teaching is bound to be an effective method. Hierarchical teaching suggests that teachers should respect the objective differences among students, and put forward different teaching objectives for different types of students, that is, teachers should fully understand the students' learning foundation, study habits and interests. Students should be taught according to their aptitude, and their learning potential should be excavated to stimulate their learning enthusiasm, so as to achieve the goal of developing students of different learning levels. This study attempts to apply the hierarchical teaching model to junior high school English teaching. According to the theoretical basis of stratified teaching and the characteristics of junior high school English education, the author makes some explorations for the implementation of stratified teaching. Through teaching experiments, students' interest in learning English and the efficiency of English classroom teaching are raised as far as possible. To meet the different needs of students at different levels, it has achieved some results and promoted the improvement of students' English proficiency and the development of their basic skills.


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