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发布时间:2018-09-13 08:28
[Abstract]:With the development of economic globalization, tourism, as an important branch of tertiary industry, plays an increasingly important role in the development of national economy. To some extent, the development of international tourism needs the publicity and promotion of international tourism trade fair and other platforms. In such activities, interpretation plays an important role. Accurate and efficient interpretation can help both sides cross the barriers of language and culture, communicate effectively, bring more opportunities for all kinds of tourism practitioners, and promote the development of international tourism. The author participated in the 14th Shandong (Jinan) International Tourism Fair in June 2016 as an interpreter. The fair invited tourism companies and local government officials from different countries and regions, a large scale and a large number of participants. At the opening ceremony, the two organizers delivered a speech in Chinese, covering international tourism, tourist attractions, tourism companies and other extensive knowledge, as well as related theory, practice, development and prospects. This paper takes the speeches of the two leaders as the object of discussion, narrates the process and content of pre-translation preparation, and discusses the difficulties, problems, solutions and experiences in the interpretation task through various examples. With the ideas of review, reflection and discussion, the author completes the report on interpretation practice in the hope of providing a useful reference for the future practice. The author draws the following conclusions through the interpretation of the practice and case study in this paper: first, High-quality interpretation must be based on careful preparation. Secondly, self-confidence, flexibility and concentration are the essential characteristics of good interpreters.


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