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发布时间:2018-09-18 08:34
[Abstract]:All along, Chinese English learning environment has its own particularity: students learn English for a long time, but have few opportunities to practice oral English. In the non-target language context and the fact that the college entrance examination in our country does not examine the students' oral English ability, teachers' teaching emphasis and students' learning focus are always on the cultivation of English reading and writing ability. For a long time, our students' oral English has lagged behind their writing level. Based on this characteristic and present situation, this paper studies the reverse reinforcement effect of English writing on spoken English, and then develops the teaching method of "using writing to promote speaking". That is to say, in the oral English classroom, we should give full play to the role of "writing", let the students make written speech planning before the oral activities, in order to alleviate the students' anxiety and improve their oral English level. This paper aims to solve the following two problems: (1) do non-English majors feel anxious in oral English classes? Can writing and speaking reduce their anxiety level in class? (2) can they improve their oral English proficiency by writing and speaking? What aspects have been improved in terms of accuracy and scope of language, length and consistency of discourse, flexibility and relevance? Based on the above two research problems, this paper puts forward and elaborates the reverse reinforcement effect of writing on theory. From the cognitive point of view, the paper discusses that written speech planning before oral activities can reduce the anxiety and improve the oral proficiency of English learners in non-target language environment, and try to provide a theoretical basis for "writing and speaking". On the basis of Wen Qiufang's output-driven hypothesis, a complete teaching process and detailed classroom teaching steps are proposed. In this study, 61 students in two classes of Nanyang Polytechnic Institute of Technology were divided into experimental class and control class, and a two-month empirical study was conducted. The experimental class is taught by writing and speaking, and the control class is taught by oral language. Based on the statistical analysis of the anxiety questionnaire and the scores of the two oral English tests before and after the experiment, and in combination with the interviews with five students in the experimental class after the experiment, it is found that "writing" and "saying" do have a certain reverse strengthening effect. The experimental results show that: (1) Non-English major sophomores in Chinese universities are more or less troubled by anxiety in oral English classes, and after two months of "writing and speaking" teaching, The anxiety of non-English major sophomores in oral English classroom has been significantly alleviated. (2) the teaching of "writing and speaking" can improve the oral proficiency of non-English major sophomores, which is mainly reflected in the accuracy and scope of language. The length and consistency of discourse. To sum up, "writing" does strengthen the "speaking", and the teaching of "writing and speaking" can alleviate the anxiety and improve the oral English level of non-English majors.


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