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发布时间:2018-09-19 16:55
【摘要】:总结写作是学术性写作中的一项非常重要的能力。它需要写作者将阅读能力和写作能力相结合,既要求学生能够将文章的主要观点理解并提炼出来,又要求学生能够用自己的方式将主要内容以一种简明连贯的方式重述出来。一些研究表明,总结写作能够促进英语学习者阅读和写作能力的协同整体提高。在出于学术目的的总结写作不仅需要学生将阅读能力与写作能力相结合,还要求学生对读写能力进行整合。学生需要在阅读原文的基础上,快速准确地区分开主次观点,把握文章结构,并用连贯且符合逻辑的方式重新组织语言进行表述。一次成功的学术写作涉及众多能力,这个过程中的任何一个环节出错,都极有可能导致总结的失败。本文主要关注英语学习者出于学术目的的总结写作的发展情况。从学术角度出发,总结写作对于借鉴单词、改述、引用的约束性更强。在文章理解、语言简洁度、文章结构和语言表达这些方面都要符合学术规范。当这一角度探讨的,关于原文对所写总结的影响的研究相对较少。基于Krashen的输入假说,Swain的输出假说和Long的互动理论,本文从两个方面对所写的总结写作进行分析:对同一人/同一组的年际对比和对不同人/不同组的同年对比。对总结写作进行对比的角度为文本长度,词汇借用,事实引用和议论结构四项。52名山东大学英语专业本科生参加了本次实验。这些同学被分成两组:第一组为28名大一学生,第二组为24名大三学生。在2014年12月,两组同学完成了一次写作任务,共回收48分写作。再2015年的11月和12月,两组同学完成了第二次写作任务,并回收了 42分写作。通过对两组同学的总结写作的分析发现,由于两组年级不同,高年级组的总体表现显著高于低年级组。其中,第二组对原文本的借用率更低,能够更好地抓住主要信息,表达更为精炼,总结性更强。他们对原文的加工方式采用的写作技巧更具有综合性,同义改写和总结技巧的使用率较高。但两组同学对于议论文结构的掌握不具有显著差异。就一年间的变化来看,两组2015年总结写作整体好于2014年,特别是第一组的表现,进步显著。在文章长度上,第一组同学在规定时间内完成更多的字数,并较少的借用原文,对信息的处理能力和表达能力更好;而第二组由于懈怠情绪的影响导致写作任务完成不认真,字数较少,对原文的直接借用程度也有所增加。但从议论结构上来看,第二组由于受到了相关写作训练,对于文章结构的把握有明显的提高。本项研究对总结性外语写作进行了探讨。从理论上来看,探究了输入理论、输出理论和互动理论对于总结写作的影响意义,并指导写作教学实践活动。从实证的角度,充实了关于总结写作的试验资料,并尝试发现学生总结写作的表现是否有所变化。从教学角度来讲,本研究把大学生的总结写作现状清晰化,使师生意识到原文对于学术新手的总结写作的影响,并就阅读和写作的相关训练提出了相关建议。
[Abstract]:Summary writing is a very important ability in academic writing. It requires the writer to combine reading ability with writing ability. It requires the students to understand and refine the main points of the article, and it also requires the students to restate the main contents in a concise and coherent way in their own way. Summary writing for academic purposes requires not only the combination of reading and writing abilities, but also the integration of reading and writing abilities. Students need to quickly and accurately distinguish between primary and secondary views on the basis of reading the original text. A successful academic writing involves many abilities. Any error in the process may lead to the failure of summary. This paper focuses on the development of English learners'summary writing for academic purposes. From an academic point of view, summary writing is more restrictive in terms of borrowing words, repetition, and citation. It conforms to academic norms in terms of article comprehension, linguistic brevity, article structure and language expression. Based on the output hypothesis and Long's interactive theory, this paper analyzes the summary writing from two aspects: the interannual comparison between the same person and the same group and the same year comparison between different people and different groups. The undergraduates were divided into two groups: the first group consisted of 28 freshmen and the second group consisted of 24 juniors. In December 2014, the two groups completed a writing task with a total of 48 points recovered. Through the analysis of the summary writing of the two groups of students, it is found that the overall performance of the higher grade group is significantly higher than that of the lower grade group because of the differences between the two groups. However, there was no significant difference between the two groups in the mastery of argumentative structure. In terms of the change of one year, the two groups'summary writing in 2015 was better than that in 2014, especially the performance of the first group, which made significant progress. More words and less borrowing of the original text, the ability to deal with information and express better; and the second group due to the impact of lazy emotions lead to the completion of the writing task is not serious, the number of words is less, the degree of direct borrowing of the original also increased. But from the argumentative structure, the second group because of the relevant writing training, for the text. This study explores the implications of input theory, output theory and interaction theory for summary writing and directs writing teaching practice. From an empirical point of view, it enriches experimental data on summary writing and tries to develop them. From the teaching point of view, this study clarifies the current situation of College Students'summary writing, makes teachers and students aware of the impact of the original text on academic novices' summary writing, and puts forward relevant suggestions on reading and writing training.


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